Redeeming The CEOs

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Contemporary Romance>Redeeming The CEOs>Stalker Sterling Tyrell

Stalker Sterling Tyrell

After a while, Phoenix phone rang again, annoyed that he probably used another number to call her, she wanted to yell at him so bad…

“Allen, I told you not to call…,”

“Good morning, Miss Phoenix,”

“Uhhh,” I was slapped shocked. I looked at the caller ID and it was definitely a strange number.

“Hi. Good morning,”

“I’m Jade Simone from the Silver Bird TV Station and I’m calling in regards to your proposal for your intended program, Cooking Fest,”

“Oh, yeah. I’m sorry about earlier. It’s just that your name doesn’t ring a bell,”

“That’s okay. I’m the secretary to the boss who is the owner of Silver Bird TV Station.”

“Oh, I see. Nice meeting you. About the proposal, was it rejected?” At that point, my heart wasn’t the way it should be. I have been waiting for this news for the past 3 months.

“No. On the contrary, it was accepted and we’d like to inform you that you’ve been given a slot and that you have an hour screening time on weekly days and 2 hours days of screening time on the day of the competition,”

At that point, I felt my heart suddenly become at peace. Cooking has always been my safe haven and this project means a lot to me.

“Oh my goodness! Are you serious? This is definitely the best news I have heard in months. Thank you so much. I am truly grateful,”

“That’s no bother at all. We’d like you to stop by the office on Monday by 11am to sign your contract with us and to also meet your production crew,” Miss Jade told Phoenix everything in a nutshell.

“Oh my goodness! Yes, I’ll do that. Thank you once again,”

“You’re welcome. Have a good day,”

“Yeah, you too,”

I stood up in excitement at the news and I screamed out of excitement not minding my environment. This was definitely good news. I packed up all my stuffs and let for home.

For the past 3 months, Phoenix hadn’t notice the presence of someone who existed like a phantom in her life.

Sterling Tyrell was definitely that phantom. One would wonder how a top notch CEO in the business world would find the chance to keep tabs on Phoenix Mills, CEO of PHOENIX CORP. What was this, an obsession or what? He was the CEO of STERLING INC., for God’s sake. Although it was funny how they both used their first names as their company names….

What did fate have in store for them? Neither one of them knew…

Sterling Tyrell, my name brought terror to the hearts of many. You could literally say that I was terror. Being the king of the business world isn’t a small fit to attain. You’d have to be really brilliant, cunning, be in control of your emotions and a whole lot of other stuffs and I did just that.

I wanted nothing to do with my father, so I left his company even though he had made me the interim CEO of BRIDGES INTL neither did I want anything to do with his wealth. There’s obviously a whole lot that people don’t know about me so they tend to think that I had it great while growing up but that’s their thought anyway, I’m not here to correct them.

Tsk. Who cares about what they think because I obviously don’t….

“Denzel, do you have any other information on Phoenix Mills that I need to know about?”

“Uhhh, yes sir, I do. I’ll be in your office right away,” Jeez, what was wrong with this boss of mine; always asking for extreme things? Tsk, I get that he is the boss but really, he didn’t have to do this at all; asking me to keep tabs on Miss Phoenix Mills, isn’t that invasion of privacy? What’s his deal with her anyway? I better get going before my bonus for the month is deducted.

Denzel Watkins didn’t understand why his boss suddenly developed an obsession for Miss Phoenix. He was yet to find out.

A knock on the door brought Sterling out of his work mode.

“Come on in, Denzel,” It could only be Denzel because my schedule has been cleared for the next one hour. I didn’t need any disturbance whatsoever.

“Sir, regarding the latest update on Miss Phoenix, there’s still no trace of her family or anything at all that can lead us back to her family. Maybe she doesn’t want them around and if she really doesn’t want them found, then she did a pretty good job at making sure that they weren’t cause we’ve been searching and investigating for almost 3 months now but still, there’s no clue whatsoever. The next is that Miss Phoenix had submitted a business proposal about 3 months ago to Silver Bird TV Station and it was still under consideration but over the weekend, she was given the contract,” Denzel spoke rapidly just so he could get it over with. He held his chest and heaved a sigh…

Tsk tsk tsk, this boss of his really was something…..

“What was the proposal about?”

Just what was wrong with this boss of his? Won’t he just give up already!!! Knowing that it’s a business proposal should be enough but no, he wants details. Sometimes he acts like a gossip bee. Denzel face palmed himself inwardly.

“She wants to be the host of her own TV show called Cooking Fest. Now, Cooking Fest will be aired once a week where she talks about healthy diets amongst others and also show some of her recipes and then at the end of every month, she organizes a mini-competition were the winners are later hired at PHOENIX CORP or are given cash rewards,” Denzel was definitely done talking..

“Wow, that’s amazing but I wonder, why Cooking Fest? She truly is the boss of the hospitality industry,”

“Yes sir but I’d like to ask a question,”

“Go ahead,”

“Why her? You’ve never shown this much interest in anybody. So why her?”

“I don’t know the answer to that, Denzel. I too am shocked at my own behavior but I can’t seem to stop. She’s like a drug I’m addicted to,”

Well, that was the truth. Sterling didn’t know why he kept going after her when she clearly didn’t know that someone like him existed because he knew that she probably didn’t remember anything from that night or she did but she just didn’t care…

Arrgghh, what was wrong with him? He really needed to get a grip of himself.

“Okay sir. Will that be all?”

“Yes Denzel. Thank you,”

“Okay. I’ll take my leave now,”

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