The Last Werewitch

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>The Last Werewitch>Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I slipped out of the basement unnoticed by my parents and headed upstairs. Hearing the pain filled screams and my people cry out in agony shredded my heart to pieces as they were being burnt by the fire. Standing on my toes and looking outside I see the remains of dead witches with the fire spreading fast. Some courageous witches including the leader of our coven tried to stop the spread, but to no avail. As a seven-year-old child, what could I do to help?

‘’Lisa, Lisa’’ my mother called softly.

I ran down the stairs and hurried back to the dark basement where my parents were.

‘’Come here child, and stand in our centre’ ’my dad said.

As I stood in their middle, they entwined their hands and crossed it over me, making me to face my dad while my mom stood at my back.

Then, they start a light chant. As I looked up, I saw my dad’s eyes glowing a bright blue colour while that of my mother shone a light shade of purple. I felt blasts of energy and magic penetrating my body making me gnash my teeth in pain and shut my eyes tightly. That was when I realized what was going on. They were transferring their powers and that of the entire coven to me. If a person passes his powers to another person, the individual will die from energy loss and that could only mean one thing, my parents were both going to die. In no time, I feel weak and exhausted and I heard our door being broken down. As the magic course through my body, I feel a lot of pain. After the chant, my dad fell down dead since he wasn’t as powerful as my mother. As I looked down, I see my mother on her knees. I ran towards her and when I knelt down close to her, she forced her amulet into my palm and I wore it. ’’Lisa darling, go and always remember that I love you’ ’she said, while using the last bit of her magic to teleport me to an unknown place. Before I could resist, i was whisked away to a distant place where I fainted due to the amount of magic I now had.


Ding, dong I hear the front door bell ring. Standing up and muttering a low curse to myself, I head towards the door. On opening it, a big black owl flies into the living room holding a neatly wrapped paper with a band around it in its talons. The owl opens its talons and let go of the paper while hooting and flying out.

The paper lands in my hands and I neatly unfold it. It read:

FROM: Emerald School of Super naturals TO: Miss Lisa Scott

Congratulations, you have been accepted into this great institution. We hope to see you soon, do have a nice day.

The principal,

Mr Whitney David

‘’Aunt Em, Aunt Em’’ I call twice doing my happy dance and waltzing my way to the back door. I open the door and walk to the garden where she was. I spot her planting roses at the rear end of a field of daffodils.

‘’Lisa darling, is everything alright?’’ she asks sweetly.

‘’Aunt Em, I finally got accepted into the school’’ I shriek out.

‘’Really? That’s amazing, I knew you could do it. This calls for a celebration’’.

‘’Well I’ve got to go packing because I leave on Sunday next week’’.

When my coven was attacked and my parents were passing all their powers plus that of the entire coven to me, I looked into my mothers’ mind and a vision popped into my head. She was going to teleport me to her sister’s place in England and I was to show her the amulet which my mother had placed round my neck. I did that and I have lived with Aunty Emily since then. Although she wasn’t a witch, she still practiced magic and has helped in training me since I was eight.

I am Lisa Scott, a werewitch and the very last of my kind. My witch gene is dominant in me. Although I have advanced hearing, super speed and a good sense of smell, I can’t shift into a wolf like normal werewolf’s do.

One week later…………

As the car takes the last turn, we get to the airport. Opening the car door, I hop out quickly not wanting to miss my flight. The taxi man got my bags from the boot of the car.

“Alright Aunt, I guess this is it” I say while hugging Aunt Em.

“Bye darling, promise to take care of yourself for me” she replies while squeezing the hell out of me all in the name of a hug as a sniffle escapes her mouth.

"Uhmm, can’t breathe” I say

“Sorry dear’’ she says loosening the hug a bit.

“Aunty if we continue this way, I’m going to miss my flight “I say as I heard the passengers of the plane I’m meant to board being called.

‘’I know but oohh, you grew up so fast. I'm going to miss my little lizzy bear" she tightens her grip on my arm

“Don’t worry aunt I'll be fine. I promise if you don't smother me to death to call everyday” I say as she finally releases me. Giving her one final hug, I walk towards the plane and climb its large steps. Waving at her, I walk in and find my seat. 23.

My seat is near the window, and I like it that way. I love seeing the clouds and staring down at the ground of buildings and people below as the plane whooshes by. The view is amazing, like being in heaven. Whatever that feels like. As the plane begins up the runway, I plug in my earphones and pick up a vogue's latest edition from my suitcase few inches above my head in the suitcase compartment, and peek through this months spring look. Before long, I’m asleep.

I wake up to maybe the landing of my life. Only the worst way to land a plane ever. Good job pilot, it's not like we're trying to live or anything. The rest of the passengers alight from the plane and I grab my luggage. After only a million routine checks from airport security, I'm finally allowed to leave the airport and race as fast as I can to the nearest bus top to get a taxi. The school map was pretty handy. Everything you need to get there in one convenient scruffy piece if paper, how nice. A cab comes into view, I flag it and we’re headed to the school in no time.

Looking outside, I like the environment I see. America is very lively, bright and full with colours and the houses, are all classic and modern. It was entirely different from England. It was as though everyone was a duke and had to live in a castle. The houses here were a bit smaller than I imagined and there weren't much gates or estates, just petite fences to separate yards. It must be so easy to get break ins around these parts.

An hour later……………………………….

As we approach the gate of the school, I see the large imprint on the 12 foot sign board in front ‘’Emerald School of Super naturals ‘’ written in bold gothic letters. We stop at the gate and after many tiring verifications processes, we’re finally left to go in.

’’Wow’’ I exclaim. It looks amazing’’. The school was big, classic, grand and all you can mention. Not quite as fancy or uptight like england schools but meh, I guess you can't have it all can you?

‘’Just wait till you get inside, it looks even better.’ ’the cab driver muttered from over his shoulder, not really looking at me or the security man. His accent was ridiculous, maybe he was taking it. He had to be a supernatural, the ages old cloak was a dead give way plus he smelled like old beans.

‘’this looks so unreal’’ I reply gazing out the window like a bewildered six year old, though I wasn't completely sure he'd been talking to me then again there was no one in the car but me so... I look up to see some dragons and large birds which I couldn’t recognize flying around in the sky.

He stops the taxi at the main entrance to the school and I alight pulling my luggage along with me. One last deep breath for good luck then I push open the school doors.

The hallways were awfully crowded for the first day. I knew immediately there were several more new students here apart from me cause some of them pretty much just looked lost. As I get to the centre of the large hallway, I hear a loud voice calling all the new students to the school auditorium blaring from the speakers. I follow the large crowd to the auditorium and I see two men and a woman with long silvery hair standing at the entrance of the hall.

After several annoying minutes of sliding chairs and shuffling feet, everyone was seated. Students one by one were being called to the center of the hall where a large golden orb was placed. A tall muscular boy with dark brown hair who I could tell was a werewolf because of his scent was called by the principal. When he got to the middle of the hall, he placed his hand on the orb and it glowed a bright red colour lighting up the whole room.

‘’Werewolf ‘’the principal shouts and the boy is made to move to a separate section.

After many other students were tested, it finally got to my turn.

‘’Lisa Scott’’ the principal said making me step forward. As I touch the golden orb, it glimmers a bright purple colour and my amulet and my eyes shone purple too. Before I knew it, I was slowly ascending into the air and after a few minutes I was back on my feet.

‘’Hybrid’’ the principal says making many students to murmur noisily.

As I went to the hybrid section, a girl and two guys were already standing there. Judging from the girl’s scent, I think she’s a vampire and witch hybrid. Not waiting for me to even get there, she bounces towards me and introduces herself.

‘’Valerie Coleman" she extends her hand for a handshake. "You can call me val" I took her hand and shook it. "Vampire and witch hybrid’’ She says swaying golden brown hair in my face and fluttering sea blue eyes.

"Lisa Scott. werewolf and witch hybrid’’ I smile as confidently as I can. I'm not exactly used to being in a big school where everyone has powers like mine.

‘’cool’’ she smiles passively

I exchange pleasantries with the two male hybrids who I must say we're incredibly charming. What i suppose to be the power identification ends and everyone disappears from the auditorium one at a time, like flowers sprouting in field or in this case dying in a field. Valarie retreats to her room, which after much wandering around, I find out is mine too. It's a large room which I suppose is for the only witch hybrids. The decoration wasn't exactly witchy welcoming, it seemed normal, plain and eccentric like a humans room.

We talked, told stories, shared experiences in past schools and made jokes as we unpacked our things and a thought flashed through my mind. The vision of me spending the rest of the year at one of the greatest schools of supernaturals in america. I think I'm gonna be just fine.


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