The Last Werewitch

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>The Last Werewitch>Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Using my super speed made running from the evil warlock king and his army possible. Turning to my left, I see the vampire king catching up with me. Running as fast as I can, I look forward and I see a large cliff up ahead You can do this I said to myself. As I got closer. I braced myself for the jump and in no time I was at the other end. I keep running and I get to a spot where something prevented me from moving again.

Looking down, I see some vines wrapping around my leg preventing me from moving any further. I hear some witches cackling ahead of me. That was when the fight all began. The werewolves, vampires, warlocks and witches all clashed. Looking back, I see the warlock king raise up his huge spiky club and bring it down with a strong force, making the earth to split in two and some of the witches and werewolves fall in.

The vampires ran and snapped the heads of other creatures off leaving their lifeless bodies to fall on the ground. The remaining witches came together and held hands muttering a spell and making all the other creatures to freeze. I heard a large growl, and in a minute, the witches’ leader was without a head. A vampire ran towards me and laughed in my face and was about to snap my neck when…………

‘’Lisa, Lisa wake up’’ someone said tapping me lightly.

I open my eyes to see our room in a bad mess.

‘’Are you alright? Valerie asks

‘’I am now’’, I say touching my head ‘’Though I had a terrible nightmare’’

‘’Okay you had me worried’’ she says as she heads to the bathroom

I sit on my bed and squeeze my pillow tightly. It was just a nightmare I say calming myself. When she’s done, I go to take a shower. Then we both head out of our room to the school dining hall. After our light breakfast of bacon and cheese, we exit the hall for our first lesson

‘’What do you have first today? ’Valerie asks looking at her schedule

I neatly unfold mine and study it. ’’History of Magic’’ I say

‘’Same here. I think the class is this way. She says pointing down stairs

‘’Okay then let’s get going ‘’. I say already moving down.

We head downstairs and I am amazed at the beauty of the school. We pass many classrooms before we get to the class. Valerie push open the door and we both walk in. Noticing that the only free seats are at the back, I spot an empty one and settle down in no time. A beautiful young lady walks as soon as I settle down. Deep down, I know she’s a witch

‘’Good morning class’ ‘she greets with a calm voice

‘’Good morning Ma’am’’ we all respond in unison

‘’I’m Miss Beatrice, and I’m going to take you guys on the history of magic this year’’. Before our lesson begins, I’ll like to know every one of you’’ she says in between pauses

When we all finishing the introduction, I find out that me and Valerie are the only witch hybrids in the school. There were some warlocks and the rest were all witches in the class. After introducing ourselves, she hands each student an IPad and the lesson begins. After that class, we have general training next. All the fresher’s including me and Val go out to the field where I guess we’ll train

A man came down too and all grouped all the students in two. I was partnered up with a sassy beautiful siren who looked like she cared about nothing except her hair as she kept flicking it from her away face. A male instructor came towards us and I braced myself for a fight. I see the girl extract her long sharp nails and lunge at me with high speed screaming when I dodge the attack. ‘’Feisty’’ I thought as she keeps trying to punch me with her fist but never succeed. After sometime, watching her continue her routine got boring so when she runs towards me next, I let her punch me on my waist region. I see the smile on her face just because she delivered the first blow. I step back balancing my weight on my left foot.

She threw her right fist out in a curved punch going for my temple this time. Turning ninety degrees to my right side, I bring out my right forearm up to counter the blow and at the same time, forming a fist with my left and throwing it at her jaw making it become bloody immediately. A smile escapes my lips as I see how she staggers trying to gain her balance but eventually falls down. I move forward ready to finish her up, but the male instructor blocks me with his hand. ‘’so weak, didn’t even have to use magic’’ I thought as I leave to go find Valerie

‘’Way to go girl’’ Valerie says giving me a high five.

‘’Thanks. What do we have next? I ask her

‘’Uhmm, I think it’s potions’’ she says

After an hour of mixing different potions and learning their uses, its finally lunch time

‘’Pheww, who knew mixing potions could be so stressful’’ Valerie says as we leave the clas

‘’You’re right, I’m so happy its lunch time already’ ’I say making her laugh as my stomach grumbles noisily

When we get to the cafeteria, we both grab a tray and join the already formed cue. I order something called chicken dunks while I think she orders grilled cheese and tomato soup. After getting our food, we go to an empty table and sit facing each other

We talk while eating and I notice that Valerie couldn’t take her eyes off each hot guy that passes by

‘’Earth to Valerie ‘’ I say waving my hand in front of her eyes trying to get her attention

‘’Boy, he’s so hot’’ she says making me look at the boy that was passing

‘’I know, so? Eat up Valerie lets go lunch time is almost up’’ I say looking at my watch

When were done, we leave the cafeteria and go for our last class. After school, we were called and each given pets. I got a little cute rabbit while Valerie was given a hamster.

‘’ I’ll name you Thumper’ ’I say setting his cage on my dresser close to my bed once I get to the room. I go to the bathroom to change into my nightie

‘’ I’ll name this cute baby Whiskers’’ Valerie says cooing in front of her hamster.

I wake up to my alarm and I see Valerie sitting on her bed busy with her phone.

‘’Good morning Val’

‘’Morning, I’m going for a run, do you want to tag along? She asks

‘’Yeah sure just give me five minutes let me freshen up a bit’

‘’Okay cool’’ she says still busy with her phone

When I’m done, we sneak out silently and go to the field outside our school. We start jogging once we’re out of the gate and I love the lush green beautiful forest I see.

‘’Lisa, can I feel your magic a bit? Valerie asks. You can also feel mine if you want to

‘’Uhhm, okay’’ I say removing my amulet while she unbuckles her bracelet

I feel her strong aura emanating from her body and I think the forest creatures feel it to because the once noisy forest suddenly became as silent as a grave yard. The cracking of a twig broke the silence making me and Valerie to turn round to see many creatures with sharp teeth and claws coming our way.

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