Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)

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>Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)>Chapter 3. Visit my house

Chapter 3. Visit my house

Just as soon as they fell asleep, Lee saw himself in another world, like he wasn't sleeping. He saw himself and Ming Yue cuddling and kissing each other in an open space without any fear whatsoever. It was just so real that he wished it does not end. They continued like that in the dream, till he turned and almost fell from his bed to the ground.

When Lee woke up, he realized he was dreaming and he sighed and said...

"Oh, it was a dream... I thought it was real!"

He checked the time to see if he could call Ming Yue again but saw that it was very late already, and she would be sleet at that time, and he would not want to wake her up from her sleep. He then said to himself...

"I think I just have to go back to sleep, for it's very late already, and I can not call to disturb her sleep. I would call her tomorrow, first thing in the morning".

Lee went back to sleep, and before he saw himself again, it was morning already. Just mere looking outside the window, Lee saw that it was already morning, so he quickly picked up his phone to call Ming Yue. And as soon as she picked up the phone, Lee said...

"Hello love, how do you do this morning, and how was your night?"

"Yes Mr. Lee, I am very fine, and my night was awesome too....thank you" Ming Yue replied.

Lee just could not hide his eagerness to see her as soon as possible, so he quickly asked her,

"Please are you going to be free today?"

She replied to him by saying...

"I was just about telling you that I would be going out to dispose waste today at the approved site, so we can see ".

"Wow.... wow.... wow ... That would be Soo great! I will surely come and meet you there. But hope no one would be timing you, as pertaining your return home? For I do not want you to go through any form of troubles at home You know I care right?"

"Sure sir... I do... No one would be home all through today. They would all be arriving very late from work". Ming Yue responded.

"Alright then, I will see you soon. Let me allow you to go do your house chores for the morning. Talk to you later..." Said Lee.

"Alright sir, bye for now". Said Ming Yue.

It was a blissful conversation for the both of them as they were so happy that they have finally fixed a particular time and venue for their meeting for the very first time. And it was crystal clear that Lee became extremely happy, for that is what he wanted, and now, he has gotten it. They quickly ended the call so that Ming Yue could go do all she was asked to do.

As soon as she was done with her chores for the morning, she took her bath and went straight to pick up the trash bag for disposal. After collecting it, she went to the gate post to inform the security officer about her movement. When she got there, she said to him...

"Hello Mr. Xiang, please I am going out to trash waste at the approved site. Please kindly close the gate behind me".

"Alright!". He said

And then she left the compound.

Few minutes after she was done trashing the waste, Lee called...she picked up saying...

"Hello sir, I just disposed of the waste a few minutes ago, and I am on my way already. I... am... close... Please just give me a few more minutes, and... I... would... be... there...!"

"Alright babe, I... am.... waiting... patiently for... you... my darling...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

They laughed so hard on the phone, and while they were still on the phone talking and laughing, Lee saw Ming Yue some distance ahead of him. He quickly dropped the call, said...

"Wowwwww This is indeed an elegant queen, full of so much charisma...

Wow! Wow! Wow!

I am already in love with this pretty damsel!

I just hope she would not say NO to me! Hmm..."

Lee hurriedly started his car and zoomed off, to meet up with her quickly.

"Wow... Is this you Mr. Lee? "

"I thought you were far away from where I was when you called, never knew you were close by".

"Yeah... I did not know you were close by until I raised my head and I saw you ahead of me before we ended the call".

"Oh... That's great then!".

"And you did not tell me you had seen me already".

"Yeah... I did not, because I just wanted to surprise you greatly!"

Ming, you smiled and said,

"It's fine by me. The most important thing now is that we have seen each other".

"Yeah, you are right baby!"

"Common hop in let's go a tour around the city pretty!"

Ming Yue hopped in and they drove out of that place. They got to a coal restaurant and Lee drove in for them to relax for a while. He parked his vehicle and Ming Yue wanted to come out of the car, but Lee exclaimed...

"Hey pretty, please hold on a bit okay... I am coming to get you!"

Smiles were written all over her face as he heard Lee said that to her.

"Alright," she said

And then closed back the door of the car as he instructed her to do.

Lee came out and turned around to get the door opened for Ming Yue to come out. And he said to her, while he was opening the door at the same time...

"Baby... So you do not know that you are my queen already...?"

He opened it and she came out of the car smiling...

And then she said,

"Thank you so much sir, I'm grateful!"

As soon as she came out, Lee gave her a warm hug and he whispered into her ear...

"I feel great having you!"

Ming Yue smiled and could not say a word to Lee, for she was shy.

"Alright baby, let's go inside and sit for a moment," he said.

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