Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)

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>Handsome Billionaire CEO (every woman's man)>Chapter 5. Now we can begin to rock our sex

Chapter 5. Now we can begin to rock our sex

Ming Yue slowly walked into the restaurant, as Lee followed her gently and admiring her from the backside. They got in, he hurriedly pulled out a chair and said to her...

"Please sit baby".

"Thank you sir" she replied.

Lee turned around to sit directly opposite her and said...

"You are welcome, my dear... Thank you for coming out for us to sit and talk. I appreciate it!"

"You are welcome sir".

"So please...tell me, what would you like to take?"

"Please sir, I do not think there would be time for us to eat anything here, because I have limited time to spend outside before my aunt and the others return".

"Yeah I understand your point, but please...get me right okay... I can not bring you here without you taking anything my dear... So please... even if it's just a bottle of wine, I would appreciate it".

"Okay Sir, let me go for a bottle of soft drink pls".

"Ahh... Noo... That is rather too small for you, my pretty! Please go for something better".

"Do not worry sir, that is fine by me. thank you".

"Okay then, you will get what you want".

Lee ordered some snacks and drinks for himself and Ming Yue. They finished their snacks, with some portion of drinks left in in the bottles, Lee said to Ming Yue...

"Honestly pretty, I have become so fond of you, that you are now as a part of me already... I just do not want you to leave my sight, not even for one second. I am a serious girl!"

Ming Yue was just staring at him, she was just wondering what he was trying to do. She kept mute, without even saying anything... and continued to observe and listen to him with great interest. He continued...

"Babe... Trust me, I am in love with you, and I truly want you to be mine forever...! Please say something..."

"I do not know what to say, neither do I know what to do. I am speechless sir because I was not expecting this. I thought we were just friends..!"

"Yes we are my pretty! But honestly, I want more than that. I will do anything for you my dear... I would make sure you are happy always!".

"I do appreciate sir, but I am not ready to fall in love yet".

"But why Ming Yue...? You are not a baby, you know....!"

"Please kindly give me a chance, I want you to be a part of me, my darling... Trust me please, I love you, Ming Yue!"

Lee could not just hold his words back anymore, and he shouted uncontrollably...


And everyone around turned and realized he was trying to woo the woman before him. Then Ming Yue turned and realized everyone was watching them, and out of shyness, she said to him...

"Please Lee... Kindly turn to your back and see for yourself, all because you are shouting.. "

Lee turned and he said to her...

"I do not care..."

And he turned to look at the people around and then turned back again to look at Ming Yue and said...

"The thing is... I... LOVE... YOU! Please give me a chance to prove myself to you girl!"

Ming Yue saw that the whole thing was getting out of hand, and she began to worry if someone she knows was around watching what was going on. So she stood up to the surprise of Lee and wanted to walk away when he stopped her from leaving saying...

"Baby please don't walk out on me... Don't you see that I love you, and I truly need you?"

Please, sir, I am scared... Someone who knows me might be watching us and may tell my aunt, and it won't be funny on me"

"It's okay my love... I get your point".

"Thank you, sir".

"Alright then, can we go to my car instead?"

"Okay, Sir".

They stood up and went outside to sit in Lee's car. And he suggested to her.

"Please why don't we go to my house?"

"Please I would love to take you to my house, so you can come to visit me at any time of your choice. Please feel free...!

"But Sir... I do not think it's best going to your place for now".

"Yes I understand, but don't you worry, I do not bite. Okay...?"

"Okay Sir", she replied

He drove out of the restaurant, straight to his house. And when they got there, first of all, sat outside. Stayed for almost half an hour as they were discussing.

"Sweet... You have not said anything to show that you have accepted me to come into your life. Please say something".

"Sir, but my coming here to your house should tell you that I am comfortable with you already".

Yes, I know that, and it is well appreciated! But I want to be sure of what you have got inside of you for me. I want to spoil you, baby!"

**Smiled** Ming Yue and said...

"Okay Sir, I will give you a chance...

"Yeah... Yeah... Yeah ..."


"Any condition baby, I will accept! As far as you have accepted me into your life!

"Alright then! The condition is...YOU WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HURT ME!"

"Oh.. is that all...?

"Yes, please... That is all...

Do not panic, I will never do anything to hurt you, baby!"

Ming Yue repeated it saying...

"Please I beg of you... do not do anything to hurt me. Please....!!!"

Of course, I won't my love! And please... I would appreciate it if you stopped addressing me by that name, sir! Please... My name is Lee! So call me Lee!"

"Okay... Lee!

"Awesomely great! Thank you!"

Lee stood up from his seat to hug Ming Yue and said...

"Now that we both are now a couple, please let us go inside and have something to eat and drink to celebrate our newfound love!"

Smiles filled Ming Yue's face as she stood up to follow Lee into his house. He offered her a seat while he went to get the refreshment for them to jolly with. They became so happy as they were celebrating... Dancing and rejoicing...

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