Cold CEO's Reborn Lover

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>Cold CEO's Reborn Lover>Chapter 1 Reborn in Someone Else's Body

Chapter 1 Reborn in Someone Else's Body

The sky was thundering, as if it understood her pain.

Wiping her tears from her small face, Fengxi pulled up the ends of her robes, dashing through the forest, ignoring the sea of blossoms that rained upon her. Her almond eyes stained with tears that kept pouring down her face, and her black hair was indescribable as it cascaded down her back, tangled horribly.

Her heart ached with agony. She knew he was gone and would never come back. But there was nothing she could do about his death.

She knew there was no why. Only when. All these three hundred years, she had come close to him, only for him to push her away. There was no second chance between them, because once a heavenly spiritual being like him reached the end of his lifespan, he would never be reborn. He might take on a new form and have a new identity, but he would never be that stoic immortal who she gave her heart to.

Her heart shattered, seeing the last of the icy immortal crumbling into fragments.

He was gone forever. She reached into the air to grab what she could of his remains, but she got nothing. Her palms were empty. She fell on the grassy ground, a place that contained memories of her chasing him, and wept uncontrollably.

Now that he was gone, what was the point of going on living?

She was a fox spirit, and foxes only had one lover for eternity. He was the one she truly loved all her life, but he had never reciprocated her love, only rejected her in the same manner.

Fengxi raised her hand to the skies and cried with all her might, but nobody responded. All that she heard was a cracking sound from the lightning across the sky.

If they didn’t have fate to be together in this lifetime, then she hoped they would reunite in death. She had lived for five hundred years, and it was enough. Her sole regret was for not meeting him earlier. She would live and die for him, and only by death her soul would be finally together with him. Even if she was to hunt him to the ends of the universe, she swore she would find him.

Reaching into the folds of her long robes, she found her dagger and, allowing a tear to descend from her cheek; she plunged the tip of the weapon deep inside the left side of her chest.

Goodbye, world.

Goodbye, all those who loved her. She had let them all down, especially with the fact she was the successor of the Hu clan and would have brought them glory.

Her robes bleached a deep red, she eventually succumbed to her injuries. It would soon be over, she assured herself as she felt herself sinking into the void, her consciousness drifting far from her.

Soon, it would be all over. She would be free to find the person she loved, the man she called The Great Immortal, and they would finally be together. After three hundred years of despair, it had finally ended.

Her vision was getting fuzzier as she drifted further and further away into oblivion. Though she was falling asleep, everything still felt so real. It was as if The Great Immortal was still with her, and speaking to her like he always did.

She remembered his stoic face, devoid of emotion, as he ignored her pursuit and always answered her in the same manner.

“Little Fengxi, we don’t have fate.”

Everything was about to change. She was sure of it.


When she woke up again, she found herself in a strange place. That was when she realised she wasn’t dead. But everything felt so weird and unreal. Like, didn’t her soul leave her body a couple of moments ago? Didn’t she plunge the dagger into her chest?

But now, she was alive and kicking right now, wasn’t she? Was it just a dream she had? She thought as she stretched her arms and legs.

She realised she was sitting on what seemed to be a long, hard surface, cluttered with some small, square, soft objects. Her surroundings were weirder even. A few strange-looking paintings hung unstably on the walls. She looked upwards to find there were no rafters, and ceilings were plain. If she wasn’t in the Plains now, where was she? A lot of weird objects around her piqued her interest.

She rose, peering down at her clothes. Instead of her usual light pink flowing robe that came down to her feet, she was wearing a tight skin-clinging dress that ended above her knees, exposing her snow-white thighs. The irony!

Mother Hu would never allow her to wear something like this, probably even disown her! And considering she probably wasn’t in the Plains anymore, what had happened to her? Was she reborn? Then, she probably wasn’t in her own body anymore!

Then what happened to the Great Immortal? Could he have received a second chance at life, like she did? She had to find him, quick!

With the thought in mind, she moved around so vigorously that she had paid little attention to where she was going and bumped hard into someone.

“Finally awake now, I see. Just where do you think you’re going?”

It turned out she wasn’t alone in that bizarre place. But it was the voice of the man that made her contemplate further.

The familiar stoic voice had bedazzled her, causing her to blink and stare back towards the source of the voice. A brown-haired man with cold, emotionless eyes frowned back at her. She felt her heart palpitate abruptly. That man had just resembled The Great Immortal in every way, yet he couldn’t be him! The Great Immortal had disintegrated, and there was no possibility he could be still alive! Unless…

It had to be a miracle that he was here, standing before her!

“Who are you?” she asked amidst shivers.

“How can you ask only now, after spending an entire day with me?” he smiled coldly at her. Her eyes followed his glittering orbs. Wasn’t he the Great Immortal? How could two men appear so similar?

Then the words hit her like a stone. She had spent an entire day with this man? She seriously didn’t know if she should be happy or sad. If he was indeed the Great Immortal reborn all over again, she should value this second chance with him!

She was regaining memories in her head. These must be the memories of the person when she took over her body. She absorbed everything, telling herself.

The owner of the body was Feng Xia. That would be her name for now. She saw everything belonging to Feng Xia, from her birth to her graduation and all her achievements. She rubbed her head, sensing the headache from all the information that had just occupied her head.

And what about the name of the man? Searching Feng Xia’s memory, she realised she couldn’t find any memories of meeting him, nor spending a day with him. Maybe she needed a little more time.

“Tong Yue.”

Tong Yue? Was that his name? Come to think of it, she didn’t even know The Great Immortal’s real name.

She shuddered, as if some sense went into her suddenly. Searching her memory base yielded her with the information that Tong Yue was a CEO of a multinational corporation, TY Group. How could Feng Xia have ended up with him?

“If you know what happened to me, Mister Tong Yue, please tell me.”

“But first, agree to sign this non-disclosure agreement.”

“What is-”

The answer came to her immediately. Feng Xia turned out to be knowledgeable in this aspect.

“What is this all about?” she continued instead.

“Know that the paparazzi might follow you after this. I cannot let you leave on accord that you might just feed them with information about my private life,” he said in an icy tone that reminded her more of the immortal she loved.

And he wasn't? That was exceptionally hard to believe!

“What if I refuse to sign it?” she retorted at him, surprising herself with this newfound strength in her.

“Then, sign this.”

He retrieved another document from the drawer.

“What is this?”

“A contract of marriage. Are you surprised, after all your antics yesterday?”


He just laughed mockingly at her. “You make the choice, Feng Xia. Either this or that.”

He even knew her name? Were they acquainted?

She smiled sweetly at him. “What is it like to be your contractual wife, Mister Tong Yue?”

Tong Yue picked out a strand of her black hair, something that hadn’t changed since her rebirth, and twirled it around his finger. His voice deepened, and she heard his words, as cold as icicles, penetrate her ears as he leaned near her neck.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know. So I am giving you this chance. NDA, or contract. You pick.”

“Try me, Mister Tong Yue. You won’t know until you try.”

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