Cold CEO's Reborn Lover

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>Cold CEO's Reborn Lover>Chapter 2 Resemblance

Chapter 2 Resemblance

So, she was Feng Xia now. Fengxi grimaced, taking in the truth. It was going to take her sometime to get used to it. But no matter how she racked her brains, she couldn’t recall how they had met.

Could it be because of the transition between her previous life and her new one that she had encountered a partial memory loss? She pondered.

The hall was silent now, not a word ensued between either of them. Fengxi watched the man who claimed that she spent an entire day with, questioning why even after rebirth, this man had not changed a single bit.

He was still as cold as before. Perhaps he was not immortal now, and was prone to the sufferings as a mortal, but at least she was with him now. She returned to poring over the terms of the contract he had prepared. Feng Xia had several years of experience in the legal industry as an administrator before this happened. At twenty-four, she had ample experience to fathom the legality behind what was in the contract.

The terms hadn’t bothered her at all. She decided they were very generic terms that wouldn’t bind her for long. Everything was made clear, in black and white, and she believed neither party would come to regret it. But she had devised a plan in her mind, and that she would touch this heartless CEO and change his mind about love!

“So, I’ve only been here a day with you, and you have this all ready for me to sign?” she teased mischievously with a wide grin. He returned her grin with a confused look, as if she had said something wrong.

“Yeah. So? I was born ready,” he answered in a metallic voice. That voice came off as cold and emotionless, exactly what The Great Immortal was made of. It enforced her desire in executing the plan. After all, this was nothing compared to the efforts she contributed while pursuing her love for the immortal for two hundred years! In her folly, she had even turned the heavens topsy-turvy.

Unfortunately, the immortal never reciprocated her love. She never stopped with her little schemes, returning again and again to the gates of heaven. The guards never proved an obstacle to her, because she was always able to sneak past them in her fox form. The immortal had caught her every time, because he was overly observant. But it didn’t prevent her from returning to cause more trouble, just to see him.

Each time, she was more insistent on her pursuit of him. She knew other than her, nobody else loved the Immortal more than anything she had ever loved in her life! Even more than herself!

Until that day, when she was injured for him once. She thought she had touched him with her sincerity, but he responded with that line instead, “Little Fengxi, we don’t have fate.”

Maybe she was wrong, an immortal could be reborn after all. But why had he retained the most troublesome parts of himself even after rebirth? And if wasn’t the immortal, why did Tong Yue resemble him entirely, as alike as peas in a pod?

“You’re going to scare away women by bringing contracts with you wherever you go,” she sneered at Tong Yue. What was he even thinking by doing that? Was he that desperate with his intention to get a wife by trapping her with a contract?

Fortunately, she, as a fox spirit, was born wild. A contract couldn’t trap her! By utilising Fang Xia’s knowledge and experience, she would find a way to twist those wordings, if she had to!

“I don’t have women to scare away.”

Tong Yue made the statement stoically. No matter what Fengxi had said, it had little impact on his emotions. The same thing went for the Great Immortal, she could never incur his wrath or even his sympathy. Even when she had caused a myriad of troubles to the heavens, he maintained his aloof demeanour and walked away, leaving the mess to his subordinate Yan Xing to resolve them! When she was fatally injured, all she felt from him was his warm hand on her forehead. He hadn’t even shown a single bit of true emotion towards her!

“I can be the first woman in your heart,” she winked playfully. This part of her, the frolicsomeness of a fox, would never be gone from her! Then she added, “But can you handle me?”

Tong Yue’s eyes bulged like a goldfish. She couldn’t figure out what was on his mind, but from his facial expression, she anticipated that he was thinking that she was out of her mind. Probably Tong Yue, like the immortal, rarely dealt with women!

“Are you challenging me, Feng Xia?” he ventured close to her, leaning over her with his tall height. “Not scared to be bound by a contract to me, yet bold enough to provoke me?”

“What if I am?” she teased him further.

“Are you out of your mind, Feng Xia? After what happened yesterday, you…”

“What?” she retorted relaxedly, in spite of his cold stares that probably intimidated others. She didn’t know if that was the case, but with the immortal then, he was notorious for his icy impaling stare that often drove fear in the lowly immortals of the heavens.

“You transformed into someone else.” He finished his sentences and folded his arms in front of his chest, signifying his callousness. Then, why was he even bringing it up? Had something happened yesterday that triggered him to have the agreement drawn up? Or even, the need for a NDA?

She knew naught about Feng Xia’s personality, only retained most of Feng Xia’s memories. The most astounding part of it was how the memory store had ended just before Feng Xia had allegedly met Tong Yue, one day ago.

She contemplated the possibility that Feng Xia had a reason for approaching Tong Yue. Could it be a total coincidence? If Feng Xia never had harboured feelings for Tong Yue, which she identified from her memories, then there had to be more to it than meets the eye.

But she was Feng Xia now, after all. She didn’t know what happened to the real Feng Xia. Had she passed away? Or had her soul been lost during the transition? What had happened to Feng Xia then during that period when Feng Xia was with Tong Yue that caused her soul to enter Feng Xia’s body?

All her five hundred years of life as a fox spirit, she had never heard of anything like that at all. There were just too many questions popping up in her mind, that she couldn’t think of the answers at all. But all mattered now was to secure the chance of her having a second chance at fate with the immortal she loved dearly.

She quickly answered, “I’ve always been like this, Mister Tong Yue. What happened yesterday that you thought that I changed? I have to admit, you’ve been fooled by my tricks.”

The words were out of her mouth before she could retract them. The next thing was, Tong Yue’s visage had morphed to that of pure rage. From an icy expression he looked now as if someone had put a bag of hot coals on his head. He had turned fiery.

He took a step closer, and put his hands on her shoulders, as if intending to strangle her.

“You had me fooled, Feng Xia?” he demanded, snarling. The emotion in his eyes was screaming pure rage. The immortal had never been enraged even by the depth of her actions, yet Tong Yue was?

“What are you going to do, Tong Yue? Punish me for my actions?” she teased him with her tongue in a circular motion around her lips. “Are you going to kill me so that I don’t divulge your secrets?”

Her words had an effect on him, as if he knew she was goading him on purpose. After how angry he had made himself to be, she was unafraid. A mischievous fox like her was never timid or frightened.

He didn’t release her, but his tone returned to his usual iciness, and he smiled back coldly.

“I was never fooled. You were the one pretending all the time long. But this time,” he pointed towards the contract on the desk nearby them.

“You have a choice. If you are in desperate need of money, then sign the contract. There isn’t much left to discuss about this. But tease me again, Feng Xia, and I’m sure you will regret your actions.”

With a cold smirk, Tong Yue left the hall, leaving an intrigued Feng Xia pondering over her next move. Regardless of how he had warned her, she was confident she would get him this time! Whatever it was, nothing would deter her from her goal.

She hugged the contract to her chest, pursing her lips as she was deep in thought. Just then, something on the desk caught her eye.

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