The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 10 /

Chapter 10 /

Rona's [P.O.V]

My first fight did not go so well but I am proud that it was with an alpha who lost his precious life later.

I opened my window as the cool feeling of the air which brushed through my face.

It felt like something very good was about to happen but who am I kidding? It is already morning.

A new day with fate and destinies tied together in it... How magical.

I walked downstairs after brushing my mouth to avoid the early morning mouth of horror syndrome, since It's something that's clearly unavoidable.

The sound of a licking bottle of milk was heard by me from a far corner.

My wolf ears knew the texture of water and the thickness I felt must be something thick or in a molten form.

I leached myself to the wall as I got nearer feeling the presence of another wolf whose scent was familiar to me.

I stepped away from the wall and in a rush entered the kitchen, just for my eyes to almost pop out at the fright of my sight.

It was James and he was kissing my best friend Anna so deeply that it seemed too intense to be an ordinary kiss.

"Are you guys..." I said with my fingers out showing a peace sign with the fingers coming closer to each other and separating again.

"Yes! She is my mate" James says to me scratching his head and Anna looks at the floor shy of my royal aura with a sad feeling erupting in me.

I liked James more than a friend.

"I am so happy for you guys!" I said holding Anna's hand with my lips blowing my red hair that was covering my sight.

"Thanks so much!" James says as he holds Anna and leaves my presence.

Those two cheats!

I know it might sound a bit off but sometimes I wished I had a pussy to offer to James, he was really cute and sexy and I did not mind him getting to fuck me.

"They kept fucking themselves behind my back till the moon god had no choice but to link them up," I said in my thoughts with an evil smile appearing over my face.

I walked back upstairs, thinking to myself on the reason my mate left me again.

My dad had taken over the alpha roish a.k.a krons pack and had given homes to the new rogues plus he also sent others to search for my missing mate.

could that be attracting trouble?

Probably not!

I got dressed up and walked downstairs just to see a rogue on his knees.

"Speak!" My father ordered him without patience and he purred.

"The alpha of the blue moon is on his way here? alpha..." he says shaking.

"Impossible! The blue moon pack has never had an alpha for a thousand years" he says but then keeps silent staring at my mum Luna Elsa who sits next to him.

"They are coming to take what we have earned alpha kron rogues," Elsa says and my dad smiles ordering the rogue to prepare the rest for battle.

"Go to your room" my mum Luna Elsa ordered me and I left for my room wondering how I knew something bad or dangerous was going to happen.

They made seem as though I was too young... hmm bad me.

The howl of beta Damon my dad’s fourth in power was heard by me and I knew what information the howl meant.

Something bad was about to happen.

I walked to the window, staring out, just to see black Lamborghini with badges of the blue moon over them.

Could it be that they captured my mate after the death of alpha roish kron?

Rogues with abnormal body seizes were everywhere and it was either death or peace.

I locked my room as I discovered that not only was the moon pack here but alpha Landon's pack too had come.

I heard my dad's voice talking outside and the next word made me rush back to the window, "Alpha Aiden, welcome back!"

I looked through the window just for my mate to look at my exact direction upstairs of the building.

Without talking to my dad, he passed him and I could sense a sort of confusion in his every move. Did he forget?

"Oh my god! he forgot that we are the good guys" I said to myself freaking out, knowing fully well that he was coming.

I hid under the bed, with tension running through my body.

"Boom!" A sound that made my mum scream out and I ran downstairs just to see Aiden standing on his feet with my dad slammed into the cardboard.

He turned and his eyes met mine.

"Mate!" he says at once with a bit of love in his eyes but terror in his every move,

I turned running back into my room with his footsteps approaching me like missiles exploding from behind me with my red hair flying in the air of my tension.

I got into my room locking the door from behind me and I sneaked under my bed.

I stared at my door just to see blade-like claws tearing through the door and tracing itself downstairs till the key handle of my door was destroyed.

My door slowly opened on its own and I ran out from under my bed and rushed into my clothes cardboard locking it from inside with my breathing intense.

He stands right in front of me with his muscular body carved like a god.

He broke the handle and out of freight, my wolf lashed at him for an attack but he got a good grip of my claw sharp paws and pushed me back in with my back pinned to the cardboard wall.

He held my waist dragging me into himself as he sniffed in the scent of my body with his eyes glowing in the lightened darkness that had surrounded us.

My wolf acted bitchy as she made me grab him and enjoy his scent.

I tried to push him off but his body felt like an unmovable rock as my hand could feel his abs sectioned beautifully on their own but he pushed them off as he pressed himself tightly on me grabbing my whole hair like it was nothing.

I felt something else, it was long, huge and hard demanding of me, it was His dick.

I kicked him off as my strength had increased to a hundred percent and I tried escaping only for a feminine hand to grab me, pinning me to the wall with a wolfsbane knife under my throat.

He walks out of the room slowly and carries me on his shoulders, with his wolf making me submit to his alpha aura.

Then he drops me down close to Alpha Landon who is known for taking over wolf packs the moon pack has defeated and has no use for.

"Dad," I called out my father's name and he looked at me with blood over his lips.

"I'd spare your lives and your pack because my mate happens to be your son which I am taking and you all will attend our claiming ceremony" Alpha Aiden says to my dad who nods in the grace of it but with shock... shit was a legit gay moment.

Seriously? I feel like I'm being sold though.

My mate was truly of high supremacy compared to my parents, even though they were one of the strongest packs.

The blue moon pack was great in every aspect and thinking of what I could do with the position would have made me less bothered about it.

"I will give you time to speak to your son," he says and walks out together with the others.

I stared at my parents who hugged me and mum who blessed me even though she said my mate was ungrateful to the help that was given to him.

That Is left for me to find out if it's forgetfulness or ungratefulness.

I bowed my last son to Alpha and Luna's parents, as I stepped up rushing into my room and carrying my wolf toy.

I couldn't bear to leave it behind.

My dad smiled and waved at me a bye with tears all over their faces and mine.

I cleaned it off and was soon with my mate who was with a lady who kept staring at my mate that it made me suspect them, and alpha Aiden who kept his stare on my body.

I didn't look back at him, he was an ungrateful idiot, I had to teach a lesson.

And damn! I am that gay dude that got mated to an alpha that wants me.

Though I wondered what he planned to do with me.

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