The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Rona's [P.O.V]

I came out of his Lamborghini and I stared at my immediate environment with a cool breeze greeting my whole body.

I turned to look at a female rogue called Alena, I turned to stare at Her again, the so-called rogue of war was her... Wow!

I took a step forward only for a hand to grab me from behind.

I stayed still as alpha Aiden walked together with me into what seemed to be the pack's mansion.

The whole place looked like a type of heaven on the earth and I could not wait to study the organisms and cute creatures living in the gardens.

"Oh, that's science mode again!" I said, shaking my head.

"What did you say?" Alpha Aiden asked me and I nodded a no sign to him.

He ignores my previous statement and I took a deep breath releasing it out as I was being introduced to the rogues who were present around.

Aiden single-handedly took me to show me his room and asked me to take a shower.

"Hey... Dude! I already took my shower this morning" I said to him and he turned and stared at me like he wanted to say something else.

"Wait, are you afraid of me?" he asked me as he stands up from his seating from the bed and walks towards my direction with an evil smirk on his face.

"Did you truly forget all I and my parents did for your sorry ass?" I said to him already seeing confusion blurring its way into the argument that I was bringing up.

"What? Ha-ha! You are kidding me, right? You guys could not even protect yourselves and you are proposing an illusional statement to me" he says but then continues.

"I'm guessing you want me to believe you right?" he says to me and I nodded a yes sign to him like I was dumb.

"You are so ungrateful!" I said to him as I threw a slap and a blow that he douched.

"Instead of me using my once in a lifetime wish to the Moon God to wish for a sexy sensible mate that I always wanted I wished for your freedom from that ice frost," I said angrily at him just to receive a stare that I won't want to call it a glare.

"You freed me?" he says to me like he was asking a question and I nodded a yes to him.

"So that was how he freed me, he used the wish of been my mate to break the punishment he had... Out of anger placed on me," he says and walks closer to me like a psychopath.

I looked to see an escape pavement that I could use to disappear from his madness.

"Don't even think of it!" he says at once and I stood still staring at my chocolate alpha standing close to me and sniffing my scent as he held my waist sending shivers throughout my body.

My wolf begged to be used, my slutty bitch wolf was making his wolf drawn to me.

"Anita stop it!" I called the name of my wolf inside of me to stop Him from making me feel like it was alright to be marked by him without my claiming ceremony.

His hands went to my ass and he tightens his grip over the buns of my ass as I got pressed over his chest feeling something soft but at the same time hard.

I knew what It was His erection, and the tension running into me as I thought of how it would feel to have sex with an alpha hybrid.

Oh... Innocent gay me.

"Alpha Aiden" a feminine voice sounds in the background but he did not release his hold on me but I could feel him shift away.

I looked from his side to see Alena in a very sexy armor that I immediately craved to wear but I could see that it was Her rogue's secret armored wear.

She designed like it was some sort of Cinderella gown but with dangerous abilities.

What a show-off!

"What's it?" Alpha Aiden growls with a question and he bows Her head.

"His claiming ceremony has been arranged to commence next tomorrow," he says to him and he turns back to look at me who was staring at my abdomen.

"Don't worry, your abdomen is still a virgin, I haven't even started with you yet?" he says with a smirk over his handsome face.

Was he going to accept me?

I'm a dude like him.

I fake smiled and waved at him as he walks out of the room and I jumped over my bed reciting the moon cleansing prayer.

Back in my father's pack, whenever we feel sinful, we are told to pray the cleansing prayer to the moon and be cleansed but many people don't, except me.

I dressed up properly and headed downstairs following the scent of my mate till I reached where the scent was intensely powerful.

I looked over the floor to see what seemed to be salt all-around a specific door and due to the weirdness of It... I ignored it.

It continued my search for my mate only for me to actually feel him this time and it felt like magic.

I opened the door that wasn't weird at all and all I could see were things worth tearing my heart into bits for.

There was Aiden on a chair with Alena on top of his laps kissing him so intensely with his chest opened for Her to touch.

My wolf charged angrily, demanding for Alena to be killed immediately.

I knew it wasn't my ordinary wolf acting anymore but a wolf with His Alpha aura.

I could see the fear in Alena with Aiden staring straight at me like nothing was happening before I caught them.

My feet pulled me forward to start a fight with Alena but my broken heart needed peace so I turned in search of my inner peace.

"Rona!" I heard Aiden's voice from behind me but that couldn't stop me from running away from the pain that they had caused me and my wolf to feel.

I wasn't a woman.

Maybe that was why.

I ran without caring where I was running to and finally, I was at that same weird door with salt all over the entrance.

I opened the door seeing darkness everywhere inside with a massive white eye of a wolf beast with powerful aura staring straight at me.

"Rona run!!" Aiden shouts from behind me and I turned running towards where Aiden's room was as I closed the door breathing heavily in fear.

Just for the door and part of the wall to be destroyed down by a giant monster werewolf and I turned with my science mode already activated,

I was in a story building with the tenth floor where I was located in and with a mysterious monster capable of killing me.

The only way to escape with the probability of still having my life was to jump out from my window which wasn't so far and without delay,

I took the jump of faith.

Whether or not, if I die.

I don't care anymore as my ungrateful alpha mate doesn't deserve a person like me.

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