The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Aiden's [P.O.V]

I was done with this urge of mine as I released inside of her knowing fully well that she was on her mating period and not to forget that it's a full moon day and so there is no way she would not get pregnant with an heir for my pack.

I watched her sleep in my arms all through the night until my rogue peter interrupted.

A rogue that was so trained as a warrior that even when I assumed the form of a beast, he felt weird closer to me because he could still feel my aura,

"Alpha Aiden, we need you in the chambers" he mind links me.

I got up and refreshed myself and after that got all dressed up.

I took a look at my mate as she slept with her red hair in order but scattered over the bed in a pattern.

She was really beautiful even in her morning appearance and so I walked to leave but felt her wolf awakening.

I turned to look at her again but it seems that she was still sleeping.

I left and was finally at the chambers where Peter and other rogues of my pack were.

I watched how confused and disturbed that they acted as some were running up and down the stairs and others were talking seriously with themselves.

I scoffed using my alpha aura and they all froze and went on their knees.

"Peter!" I called his name and he rushed towards me in fear.

He was indeed not just a rogue but a beta to me now and I was not going to take any chances when it comes to him.

"What is going on?" I asked him upset and about to tear his throat off.

Even so I honored him deep inside of me.

I still had to be his alpha and avoid sudden distractions or unusual summoning.

"It's an alpha cave, somehow he has raised thousands of dead rogues and is still doing something and I am afraid that any time soon... The lives of this pack members would be in grave danger.

"Cave raised the dead rogues?"

"Yes, he did," Peter replies.

"Then this means that he has assumed his god body and is in his evil god mode" I said to them seeing the lit fear erupting from their fast-beating hearts.

"Alpha Aiden, this is war '' Allison says from behind me as she walks standing by my right wearing her white gown with black robes tied around her waist.

"Then I must assume my god body too" I said to all of them and Allison pats and rubs my back gently.

As far as I know.... She has been a very good friend since the day I met her.

"Alpha Aiden, if you transform your wolf to your godly body... I am afraid that you might not be able to transform back to your normal self that you are now" Allison says concerned.

"Aiden!" Rona called my name and I turned to see her eyes staring at me so intensely as it even looked reddened with a sad sign over her beautiful face.

"Aiden you can't leave me now that I'm beginning to feel that I do have a mate" she says with her body posture upright and I tried to control my wolf who spat words that made me want to kiss and touch her.

"Rona, I am never leaving you and you have to leave now Rona... I can't control myself" I said to her as her presence kept making me hard and enticed me to free myself.

She looks at me with a little smile and it disappears as she walks out of the chambers.

"Where are they coming from" I asked Allison who uses her magic to show me.

There were so many resurrected dead rogues and I knew that they were past great fighters that my evil brother was controlling to destroy me. Funnily I am stronger.

I could not send rogues to protect the packs borders because their lives will be at stake and I cannot let the enemies come too close or I might lose other things precious to me.

I had to transform not to my godly body but into my alpha werewolf form.

It has been a thousand years since my wolf came into control of my body.

And I haven't used my power of peace for so long that I feel that it may be rusty due to lack of practice.

I walked out of the chambers running into the forest with my rogues following me from behind as my bones began to twist and crack with strikes of white glowing blood running through my body and over to my head.

I was transforming to my wolf self.

I took a look back to see my rogues running so fast together with me and I looked far back to see Rona staring at me with so much tense all over her facial reactions.

I turned back as the vision of my eyes changed so much that I could see the energies of the trees that surrounded me.

I looked deeper to scan for cave so that I could just find him and end it once and for all by eliminating him.

He wasn't present at all.

I rushed at one of the evil rogues who tried to hurt one of my rogues and it was then that I felt something hit me with pain and a bit of pleasure suddenly.

It happened so quick that it seemed like something else was going on.


She wasn't okay and I could already feel it, her body was hurt and I could feel the same pain rushing through my veins.

I wondered if she was doing okay wherever she is right now.

"Aiden! You can't escape today! What I have set for you today can't be stopped" cave says using a dead rogue’s body.

"The warriors are extraordinary and I have given them just the fighting amount of power that they need to make your blood spill till you become a nobody" cave says with the body of one of the possessed rogues to me and I broke its neck angrily.

"It's enough cave!" I said angrily in frustration and wanting to put it to stop the ongoing activities.

I screamed as he used another rogue to tell me how he was going to hurt my mate who I was just thinking about.

Fire and Ice existed out from my body and the dead rogues began to burn off like stardust.

This war wasn't over! I have to end this.

Cave must die!

But Rona needs me now.

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