The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Aiden's [P.O.V]

If Cave did not come to fight me here then where did he go? I turned rushing back to the pack area thinking of cars with my feet dashing over the floor as fast as I could.

Was all this a distraction so that he could get to my mate and kill her? Or could they be something else he planned doing to me?

I had soon reached seeing most of my rogues slaughtered with their bodies everywhere.

I swallowed my saliva as air almost got trapped in my chest when I saw Rona's clothes out of the window.

I rushed into the building and it was exactly what I was thinking that happened to him.

Her wolf was in her mating period and so he was getting enticed to sleep with her.

She fought him off but could not have any effect as the Cave is now in his god form.

My wolf gets pained at the sight and his anger rushes through me.

I growled rushing at him and from upstairs we landed on the hard floor in front of the pack building and I landed a punch which he dough as he turned into smoke.

"Cave why can't you fight me like the man that you are?" I questioned him angrily.

"Aiden! I really did like you as a brother but things have come to this and there is nothing I can do as of now, you are special, your mum is the moon goddess but me... Who am I? A complete ugly nobody, a beast that is so terrifying that no one likes" he says signing.

"She turned me into what she wanted and am I sure, she is still experimenting on me as that is the only reason that I can be alive here and so just before I am ruined" he smirks looking at me.

"I'd kill you and your pregnant Luna!" he says to me and I freeze,

"What did you say?" I asked him, shocked at his words, with a destined joy coming all over me as I thought of having an heir that would take over my pack and continue my lineage but wait... The dude is still here.

I rushed at him with my hands over his neck as I deepened my claws into him but discovered that they had no effect on him.

Rona falls down from the bed with her stomach huge like that of a nine-year-old pregnant woman.

"Aiden! This can't be possible; I can't be this pregnant!" Rona says as she places her hands over her stomach begging for my attention.

A kick came hitting me from behind and I transformed into my alpha wolf and rushed back at Cave who stood in a defense mode to stop me from causing harm to him while Rona tried shifting into her wolf but couldn't.

I wondered what sort of pain that she was feeling as all this was happening in front of her and I and so fast at the same time.

Cave sends a punch but I doge as I land on my wolf paws behind him... grabbing Rona with my arms and dashing out with my body through the window and we soon reach the main ground floor.

"Aiden it's coming!" Rona says to me as she begins to cry.

The baby!?

"Allison how is this possible?" I was surprised at the sudden pregnancy appearance that showed over her body.

"Alpha Aiden! Your child is special" Allison says as she collects Rona from me.

"She won't be able to put to birth if you aren't present Aiden so we must first deal with Cave before hers is done, meet us in the meeting chambers' ' she says and disappears with Rona.

"Aiden where are.... you? I thought that you were the over protective alpha ha-ha!" he says with my wolf ears listening to his footsteps approaching.

Immediately he seemed too close. I landed a punch at him and he broke through the ground creating a serious crack through the building behind him.

"You can’t defeat me Aiden"

"You are weak!"

"You will forever be weak!"

"And your mate will die in my hands" he screams and then laughs so psychopathically.

"Not my mate Cave!" I screamed in anger as I transformed my hand into my god self.

I punched him and for once he feels the pains but then what I received next was worth ten of my punches over my stomach?

"Aiden! Can you hear that? It's your child's voice and I am wondering if I should quench that as well" he says as he disappears in thin air.

I rushed as fast as I could to the meeting chambers.

It isn't like I do not know how to kill Cave now because I can kill him.

Although the only way to kill Cave would be to sacrifice my human body which I cherish so much for my alpha spirit to fight him till death.

That's the only way, but the after effects would mean that I will never be able to feel the body of my son.

Nor would I be able to train him like the father he would wish he had when he grows up and I can't let him down now... he deserves his own right to life and it is that I will provide for him.

I was in the meeting chambers and I searched till my eyes found Rona?

She was standing and holding my little son in her hands.

I walked closer to her kissing her deeply and once I stared at him, I could tell that he was special.

He had the eyes of the spirits, a blue colored with thunder pointed seir in it.

I kissed him too and I turned around only to see Cave clapping.

"You know... I just wanted to watch the beauty of the family togetherness before I destroy it" Cave says as he walks closer.

"Aiden please don't transform to your spirit self '' Rona says from behind me and I tried to stop myself.

Nothing physically was going to stop him so it had to be my alpha spirit.

"Do it Aiden! Do it for your pack, do it for your son" Allison says to me and that made a lot of sense.

I hugged Rona again.

"I have to do this and we can always be together so please don't think I am leaving you because we are mates and I love you okay?" I asked after explaining and she nods in acceptance.

"Go and do it Aiden" she says and I begin to transform into my spirit self with my spirit prince crown appearing over my head and this time... Cave is dead for sure.

I slit his throat and he falls to the floor bleeding to his death.

I walked towards Rona who couldn't look me in the eyes anymore and I could already tell why it was so?

I was glowing too much, I blessed and named him Xavier and the next voice frightened me from behind me.

"For the pain and mystery, I was created to suffer with.... I Curse.... Xavier on your eighteenth birthday! you shall sleep a thousand years and wake in a world you do not know or fit in like I did and your mate frozen in the heart like I felt, let this curse only be broken with fairness.

"Cave!" I screamed ending his life totally and he died with my spirit being summoned by the moon?

Tears rushed out of my eyes as I looked at my innocent son, then I blessed him again while kissing Rona as I wore off into the sky.

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