The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Xavier [P.O.V]

I walked into my packs building seeing my friends who had become alphas standing together with their mates with so much beauty in their behavior towards their mates and that made me think of my own mate.

I wondered how she would look like and what kind of behavior she would portray towards me and her newfound pack.

I turned to see my mum.

Luna was staring at me with a look that I found difficult to understand.

Was it my dressing?

Or was it because of the twelve-packs I had destroyed yesterday?

I walked towards her and she quickly removed her eyes from me as she stared elsewhere with her red curly hair and strands of white glittering off her head.

Even so, her facial beauty remained the same as the only thing that could change was her gray hair.

"Xavier! Today is such a great heart storming day for I and you together with all the members of this pack.

I am happy for you but something worries me which I pray will go away" she says to me while taking a drink.

"What is it mum," I asked her and she inhaled deeply and a little bit of fear was beginning to creep into me as I thought what sort of thing SL could make my mum, a great Luna like she was sad?

I stepped to her front and she looked down like she was shy to welcome my presence with her sight.

I held her shoulder with my left hand and raised her chin with my left hand only to find her eyes watered with tears and that hit me hard to discover.

Seeing her crying was something I felt I will never see even when I have my kids but she was actually crying.

I did not know if I should get annoyed for some reason or if I should try to understand what was making my mother this broken.

"Xavier! You are all I have got left and I wish all the best for you" she says using her hand to shift me to her left as my father's beta worked towards her.

I greeted him and he acknowledged me as he took a kneeling position in front of her with a golden designed tray which had two silver-colored hand gloves and she put it on.

Allison walks towards me with a smile and she corks her hand into mine as she flies into the air and lands on the exact pulpit every member of our pack fears to the core.

It was the place of my birth, the exact place my mum gave birth to me while my dad stayed in his presence.

Allison had a bent in the waist because she was old but then I looked up to see my mum coming as the doors of the secret chambers opened up.

Every member of the pack and visitors such as my friends and a few girls that I had made out with had gathered and taken their seats were whispering or in fact in a faint voice communicating with each but instantly stopped.

The Luna of the blue moon pack was present and any form of distraction such as noise was equal to death.

She was wearing a silver stoned dress which glittered on her entrance and I could not ignore admiring her beauty as my mother looked at her dress.

I wonder how fast it took her to get dressed up or Allison in one way or the other assisted her out.

She stood at the entrance of the door together with peter.

The late alphas or my father's beta stood next to her and I saw her wipe off her eyes like she was crying again.

At this point, I wanted to ask her why her eyes kept being wet with tears because of the number of times she had done that today whenever she looked at me.

The drums sounded so loud in the silent chambers.

"Boom!... Boom!... Boom!" at three internals and it continued as so and she began to walk towards where I stood together with Allison by the right-hand side who carried an unusual smile.

It was then I remembered a story my mum always told me as my bedtime story when I was much younger.

"They once lived a prince who never knew he was cursed to sleep a thousand years and to wake up with the memories he had worn away in time, even so, he was blessed with magical gifts of fire and ice."

"He lived so happily with everyone but he never knew that in the happiness of everyone around him was the saddest experience they could ever have and feel."

"The prince soon discovered why his mother... The queen always cried whenever she looked at him... It was not because she disliked him but because he was cursed to be consumed by the powers he had and on his eighteenth birthday which he was supposed to be crowned king... To never be known as a ruling king of the people who loved him so dearly."

"It was then that he broke in tears as well, he understood the sadness the queen must have felt for the years he grew before her very own eyes and the pain that she felt as she was to crown and lose him at the same time"

Tears rushed down from my eyes and I turned to see Allison in tears as at now.

I looked to see my mum as he walked towards where I stood ready to take the position I had longed for and protected all through my life.

Rona stands before me and she picks up the knife which according to legends was used by my father to vanquish the evil of cave his evil brother who wanted to kill him and his family.

I stretched out my hands for her and she began to cut through my palms with her tears dropping over where blood rushed out of it.

I knelt down in tears as she hugged me crying as well.

"I can't save you now son! It's your destiny alright and I'd always be next to you protecting you from evil" she says to me and starts to enchant few words with my wolf trans doing into that of my alpha self.

I growled in the pain as my bones broke and changed shape.

I had fully turned into alpha and I got up transforming into my human self with the whole crowd of people on their knees to welcome me as their new alpha.

"You may all rise," I said to them and they did as I commanded for the power of strength and authority filled my every reaction that I portrayed but I wondered why I didn't find my mate yet.

"Your bedtime stories mum, were they for me?" I asked her and she nodded in tears so bitter that I pitied her reaction so badly that it even hurt.

She unveils a bed and I climbed on it lying on it as I closed my eyes with an intense sleep taking the remaining strength, I had left in me.

"Be a great alpha when you wake up?" my mum says to me like it's from afar.

I felt her kiss my forehead and soon silence followed and deep within me I could tell that this was the end.

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