The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Rona's [P.O.V]

The cool feeling of the air-conditioned chambers triggered my heart in the way of what was about to happen as I walked towards Xavier thinking of the method, I used to tell him that all this would happen one day.

Everyone was putting on their white dresses, not a type of dressing everyone would wear to celebrate the coming or reign of a new alpha but the loss of everything as a whole.

Everyone knew what was going to happen today.

I had made it forbidden for anyone to tell him of the curse his ancestors had placed upon him with the punishment being a wipe of the person's generation... So, nobody dared to snitch.

A tear rolled off my eyes as I stared at my son standing before me and I enchanted spiritual words in Latin which all involved the ritual of making him the alpha of the blue moon pack and could see the confusion my cute little son had in his eyes as he knelt down while staring into my eyes.

"You may raise Alpha Xavier' ' I said to him but he raised with tears in his eyes as he held my arms tightly.

"Mum... That bedtime story, I am that cursed prince, right?" he says looking straight into my eyes and with sorrow I spat out the truth to him.

"Yes, you are that unfortunate prince who was cursed to sleep a thousand years as an alpha and wake up in a world you do not simply know of with a mate of a frozen heart" I said to him and he turned to his back seeing the bed that was created for this day.

He climbs onto the bed and cleans his tears off and I hugged him tightly as I cried bitterly of what I had and knew that I was already losing.

He was stronger than his father in every way possible that I could see and witness.

"Xavier fought it! Fight this curse! Refuse to sleep, common Xavier!" I screamed in pains crying bitterly as I held my son in my arms.

I looked out through the opening on top of the chambers ceiling and my eyes met the moon.

"What did I or Aiden ever do wrong to you that you had to treat us this bad?" I asked in my sorrow.

"Why did you let your grandson take such a burden on his head?" I asked the moon hoping that the moon goddess might decide to destroy the evil powers of the Cave's curse.

I struggled as my stomach clenched hard to see how his eyes began to close slowly as my grip at his back was tight enough to even rip out his soft skin because it felt like I was losing his father all over again.

"Xavier stay with me! Common Xavier! Don't sleep! If you sleep you would not see your mother again Xavier" I purred bitterly.

"Wake up! Think about your friends... Your girl-friend, the mate you had to have gotten today" I cried in pain.

"Please Xavier, don't leave me like your father did," I said, holding my son in tears until his eyes finally closed.

I kissed his forehead looking at the crowd of people who were all in white clothes on their knees with sorrow in their every reaction.

For a grand Luna like I was to be in so much sorrow was an abomination which everyone prayed to avoid so I have to order myself in order to protect their lives as well because even spirits work for me as well.

"Please don't cry Luna Rona, all these are for his destiny’s sake, at least let us be happy that he isn't dead but would be alive in a greater world than ours" Allison says as she pats my back comforting me.

"I believe that Xavier would make a good alpha when he wakes up and it is indeed sad that his leadership is not going to be enjoyed by us" she continues and ends sadly.

"I love him so much!" I said arranging his collar as he slept over the bed like it was midnight's time.

"Take him to his sacred sleeping chambers" I said to Allison who held and disappeared with the body of Xavier and everyone stared at me afraid of the fury I had in me now.

"You may all sit" I said to everyone and they did what I said as they all started to take their seating positions.

"Ask your questions, I and all of you all know that we were going to lose today... Xavier is gone one way or the other, so please feel free to ask me any questions" I assured them with an evil smile.

"Now that the heir is dead... Who would be the new alpha of our pack?" A man asked, confused.

"No one is taking the alpha position of Alpha Xavier for he is not dead but sleeping and would forever rule as the alpha of the blue moon pack until he wakes up and dies.

"This is man's kind of mentality and I respect it" I purred with a smile.

"How about the lives of the members of this pack? Who would protect us and fight for us when we need it? ''Peter says, working in front of the crowd.

I didn't believe who was actually talking before me.

"I say... We choose another alpha to take over this pack and rule for the welfare and protection of this pack" he says to everyone who seems to flow positively to his words.

I smiled again as I looked at him and betrayed me and the alpha, he assumed beta position with before.

Amongst every one and I did not expect a beta such as peter to do such a thing to rule his own pack.

"And who do you think is capable and should be honored with such great grace?" I asked him and he smiled looking in my direction.

"It’s now you are talking Luna Rona, I have served this pack right from the times of Alpha cave and Alpha Aiden so I am the only person who is meant to be honored with such great power and position" he says, turning back to the people who cheer for him in a way.

Almost the whole members of the pack like and trust him and this is the reason he must die now so my son can have a peaceful rest and wake.

"You will never take the rights of my son! For this is an act of sacrilege, I sentence you and any other with intentions of taking the alpha's throne with death" I said with my Luna aura and he began to wear away till he busted into dust.

Fear rushed through the crowd of people as shock nailed its way into them of what I had done.

While my son sleeps, let all the borders that lead to this pack be closed with double security.

Let the alphas mansion be a restricted zone for now and let no one into the mansion for the safety of my son and alpha of this pack, Xavier Aiden.

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