The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Lora's [P.O.V]

My father walked towards me, placing his hand over my shoulders as I looked into my eyes with his bright eyes bold while he stared at my face.

"God... Did I do anything wrong?" I stared at him in return as fear began to creep into my heart when I looked at my dad face-to-face.

Wondering what was his next move as he is someone that can be reasoned with but it seems like there's something he wants to tell me that he hasn't told me yet.

"Lora, since the day you were born the grand witch of the Blue Moon Park prophesied that the day that you will become a full-grown werewolf of the park something dangerous is going to happen that will cost us losing you and I don't want that to happen so please train yourself as strong as you can because I love you a lot and you are the only family that I have, so be safe and keep practicing" my father said to me and I stared at him.

With thrills running through my mind veins.

"What do you mean dad? how can you say I'm destined to lose my family and everyone that I have loved, are you sure, let’s not forget it’s a witch that said this" I said to him and he smiled.

"Well, that witch you said you were going to cause something really dangerous, not just yourself but to the pack was your grandma and she told us this immediately you were born." he says and I freeze.

"It's so sad that your grandma is no longer alive because I miss her every day, you know, the reason why she died was because of you, so I want to guess that the most dangerous day has passed" he says to me and this time it sent shocks through my body as nothing in this world will ever make me believe that the death of my grandma was caused because I was born.

"Dad, how did my birth cost the death of my own grandma?'' I asked him, surprised.

Nothing in this world will ever make me understand the reason why I had to be the cause of his own grandmother's death.

And so, since I have heard this, then it's best I know the reason why all this had happened.

"While in the womb of your mother and being pushed out, you turned into fire and was hurting her and no matter how much blood we had given to your mum to be strong enough to deliver you it was so impossible, so then your grandma decided to give herself so that you will be born" he says to me and from his eyes I can see how sad he had become just because he spoke of it.

A story I never knew about.

It was then that it came to my mind.

So that was the reason why I never had a grandma?

Only God knows why I had turn into fire, was it because my wolf was already strong or was it because there's something strange about me because if my grandma didn't give her life to bring me into this world then I would have taken the life of my mother and things would have even been worst because I know that my father will surely tell me one day and I will hate myself for everything or even my coming

"You don't need to feel bad Lora, don't ever hate yourself for anything, this world needs people like you" he says to me and I cleaned my teary eyes.

"Sometimes when great things are about to happen there is always a price to pay and if nothing is done on time, they might be great dangerous things that might happen in order to frustrate the good thing from happening" he says putting his hands over my shoulders while I look into his eyes already crying.

Because I was feeling bad.

"So, Lora, just to be wise and be able to make our pack proud and for those that love you the most; please train Hard with the knowledge that you have been given today, but do not try to get any other training from the scrolls that are red in color" he says to me turning to leave the arena.

"Dad, why shouldn't I get the training from the scrolls that are red" I asked him in return and he stood still forming a fist over his hand and I began to feel like I had somehow disrespected his order, so I quickly went on my knees.

"Get on your feet and follow me Lora, I have a story to tell you.” he says to me and I follow him from behind walking for a while passing trees.

There were two big trees forming something that looked like a door and we worked through the root formed doors that looked ancient.

We were in an old arena where warriors fought before and, in this arena, where a lot of red scrolls were hanging on the roots of the trees and some floating in the air and it looked so magical.

"What is this place?" I asked in return.

"This is the birthplace of battle, which has all the training of our forefathers that was passed from generation to generation and even to our generation from our ancestors" he says going on his knees and I followed as well.

Then he stood up open his feet and I did the same too, being so curious and inquisitive about everything that I could see around me.

"After the Great werewolf war, our pack had lost access to where the scrolls were for ages, until I found it when I had turned eighteen years old and my friends arrived later to witness the glory that our pack had found" he says walking even further...

"Funnily, I was already an alpha then, and your mother was my Luna to be and she was present with my friends" he says standing.

"They all wanted the knowledge of all trainings to themselves So that they could become living weapons, and I tried to warn them, that the price of such powerful knowledge is to become a servant of the moon goddess forever but they went ahead and their wolves disagreed to the oat" he says to me forming an angry fist.

"And I watched them all die, except your mother, she wasn't affected at all, it gave her some abilities but more was shared with the child she was already pregnant for me with" he says boldly.

"Damn! My dad was such a banger!" I said in my thoughts laughing in my mind.

"It was that same day that you were born with so much magic that spirits from other worlds did not want you to come into this world but surely someone paid a sacrifice" he says to me.

"Granny." I replied sad and he nodded a Yes.

"So, they are probabilities that your wolf might be able to accept the oath of the moon goddess and they are also probabilities that you and your mother only survived because most of the powers were divided and this was the scroll that she read" he says handing me a white looking scroll.

"So, Lora, if you are not ready to die, stay away from the ancestral scrolls" he says looking at me.

"The red scrolls have taken the very important warriors of our Pack... Away from us, people that I hold dearly to my heart and treat like brothers and sisters, like best friends, it is their blood that has turned the scrolls red" he says to me when I was about to open another red glowing scroll.

"They all burst like bubbles of blood and that. Was the reason I had to build the blue moon pack into what it is now, because it was lost and said to be legendary " he says to me and I feared even touching them as they floated about.

"I will leave you to meditate, train yourself with the war spirit and I will be expecting you to come back to the pack soon" he says leaving.

Then I sat in the middle of the battle arena as all the scrolls spirits were giving me different kinds of energy while I trained myself in the spirit and as well in the physical form, because not just the battle day is coming but the moon day too.

The Chaos of my fate was just beginning.

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