The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Lora's [P.O.V]

After training myself, I stood up to my feet and looked around the Battle arena seeing all the rest scrolls floating through the air and nothing could fill my heart all then sadness for the fact that I knew how many people like me died because they wanted to gain the magic of the scrolls.

Even I myself is a survivor.

"Lora, Read the scroll, I heard a voice from nowhere and it seemed really weird, I bet they're spirits tempting me to open the scrolls for its magic but I wasn't sure if my wolf was really to do the moon goddesses biddings.

It has destroyed thousands of werewolves because their wolves were not ready to be servants of the moon goddess even so it takes their life and so I don't think anything is going to make me walk against the wolf that lives inside of me.

"Lora, you are more powerful than you have ever taught you were, and something is very different about you and you know it, open the scrolls, gain its magic and serve me" I heard echoing.

"I will give you powers no other werewolf of your pack and any other pack in the world has ever known for a Luna to have and you will be my earthly general" I had the voice whispering and echoing from behind me and I turned scared.

My clothes had torn out and they were both glowing like fire And I could tell that whatever was talking to me had a very strong power over me.

My veins glowed like fire flowed in them.

The scrolls flew up from where they were rounding about me creating a portal in my front.

It felt like God was talking to me.

No wait, I'm talking to the moon goddess.

I couldn't see anything but light and silvers and the light was too great for me to find a face.

I went on my knees in worship of her name.

"Dear goddess, I don't even know how to fight or even defend myself in my pack, and there is a lot of things I don't know about because I haven't even been able to communicate to my wolf because I'm still seventeen years old and have not transformed yet" I replied sincerely to her.

"Do you think I would disqualify what I have already qualified?" The Goddess says in return.

"But" I said about to explain the reason why I can't be or shouldn't even be a servant.

"Say no more Lora, you were created for this purpose, but I have given you a choice, and so, I will not want to force you to take power but I would like to advise you to go, think about it and return" I heard and I bowed instantly.

"Hence, if you do not return after the battle day, then it will only mean that you won't be getting any powers, let this be our little secret Lora, or lose at the end of the moon day" she says and storms off in thunder shaking the whole battle arena.

I walked to the other side leaning over a tree that wasn't so far away as I took in a deep breath knowing that this was my first encounter with a goddess and not just any goddess but the moon goddess! and now I have a secret that I can't share even so it's my specialty to share secrets.

Ugh, my gossiping tongue.

I walked out of the Battle arena and ran through the forest following the scent of my father as I went through the trees of the forest heading for where the Pack area was as something was so inquisitively running through me to find out and another thing so troublesome.

One of those things was how powerful I could become if I and my wolf would accept serving the moon goddess after I have all the magic of the scrolls and it seemed really interesting and made me inquisitive to know more.

And the second thing was that; I wish I could get rid of the secret that I have inside of me but God knows what the moon goddess will do to me if she discovers that the secret that I was supposed to keep between me and her alone was told to my pack members, although she already told me that I would lose at the end.

God knows what she means by me losing because I'm not ready to lose anything important to me or to anyone that I love... What do I do?

When I had reached the Pack area, I saw my father who was gathered about by Rogues who were drinking and talking about how much they have killed someone or have destroyed a pack.

So, I couldn't involve myself in men's talk because the person I needed to talk to right now is my mother and I wonder why it was so difficult to find where she was now that I need her so much to help me sort all these things out.

"Why are you running about and behaving like a mad woman?" Bella said, holding my hand and I turned to look into her eyes worrisome.

"Where's my mother?" I asked in return as I simply had no time to waste talking to the person who is now my competition and I know she might just be the person that I might lose to, so I have no time to lose power or to lose my value.

"Your mother is in the witches chamber, she just got into the chamber so I will advise you to go there first before she starts her rituals" Bella says to me like a person that wished me well but was clearly in her eyes that she was full of jealousy.

And I would do anything to stay above me but she didn't know that, I had a plan and she had nothing but wishes, she forgot what matters.

I ran to the witch’s chamber slowly getting in as I observed the environment to be sure if I didn't come in when they're performing a ritual.

Since I am normally the cause why most rituals to be done for the moon goddess had to be postponed since I always interrupted them in one way or the other.

"Mum where are you?" I asked my mum in return.

"Lora, stay away from me, it's like you are draining the powers that I have left inside of me and it's making me feel weak" she says to me but I didn't listen as I rushed and grabbed her before she fell to the ground.

Once I held her up it was then I noticed that I was glowing really bright and one fire.

"It's your wolf, she's accepting the full magic of the scroll that was shared between us before" my mum says to me in return.

"What!?" I replied back to her.

"Daughter, your wolf is willing to serve the moon goddess and this means you might be the strongest Luna in all of time" my mum says to me just before she faints.

I was burning but wasn't feeling hot - But weak.

I left her before I hurt her with my body just before I fell back to the ground next to her.

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