The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Lora's [P.O.V]

I quickly excused myself from where I was.

I headed upstairs, as the images of what my father had done that day was beginning to stress me out since I was remembering how he tore out not just the head but the hands legs but every part.

Spilling his blood all around the Chambers with the instrumentalist playing joyful sounds cause if they stopped, they'd be in trouble too lol.

After that he grows in anger making my mum smile.

It seems like she was really happy that he did that because maybe she didn't want to be touched in such improper manner by him or who knows maybe she was even the one who mind linked my dad and told him to kill the alpha.

I walked for a moment and then continued walking up through the stairs till I had reached my room to rest since I knew that tomorrow will be my birthday and there was no need for me to stress myself out since everything is working according to planned.

But I'm a bit afraid since I had made a deal with the moon goddess in the forest and it's beginning to bother me over and over and over again.

I don't know what to do anymore since it's getting too much on me to even think about.

I went into the toilet pulling off my clothes as I admire my body looking at my boobs.

I was staring at my waist that made me look so sexy knowing that tomorrow I'll belong to someone who I do know or may not know and I hope he would be someone as dangerous as my father since that's like my role model now.

While taking my bath using the soap to wash every area of my body, it seems that a lot of different kind of things was beginning to pile up over my head now but the warm water that was pouring over my body seems to have been reducing the stress and the emotional problems that I was going through not just because of my friend but because of what I felt was coming.

Surely, I knew that the moon goddess had plans that she didn't disclose to me because of my mum had said the moon goddess plans to erase all werewolves that she has created in order to reborn us again and she has still given us choice or could it be that the moon goddess doesn't care about the choice that she has given to us?

Because if it's true, then that means that she is still going to wipe out all werewolves once her grandson has woken up from wherever he's sleeping and that makes me even more scared because then if I become a servant... I might just be the one to betray my pack and work against what my mother had taught us to work against.

Since I was a kid.

I came down as I removed all those thoughts because the most important thing was for me to take my bath, have some snacks and have a nap since I needed that for my body so much for tomorrow which will be open from morning till night for my birthday.

There would be a lot of alphas present to witness my transformation.

I will transform into my true self and whoever my wolf chooses to be my mate would actually be my mate, then after that, I would have to as well prepare for the battle day.

Which will happen for a straight three days till the Moon Day has arrived and I hope that I will make my father proud of me.

Even so I do not know how to express the magic that lives inside of me, I can only pray that with a little magic that I have gotten and the training that I have done for both my spirit and my physical self... I would be able to defeat anyone who comes after me" I said encouraging myself.

All these because of the scrolls magic that is inside of me which might be too dangerous for one person so I would have to face a crowd of people and if so, my father wants to embarrass and disgrace me... I can only hope that he knows that the person being embarrassed and actually disgraced is not really me but him.

After these three straight days of battle then I would have to rest and head to the police department where I would start my job fully after becoming a Luna of a pack and is just now that I am beginning to understand the reason why Bella should hate and be jealous of me.

"It's just because I am better than she is both in my reputation, in my career, in my physical looks and probably in every area of my life" I said to myself laughing as I just made myself feel so proud and big even so I wasn't most of those things but not all of those things that I had stated to myself.

Sometimes I wonder the reason why I keep talking to myself alone... just hope that It's not madness because it's something I regularly do especially when I'm in the bathroom and I think it's Because being the bedroom seems kind of boring and so our conscious mind would actually want to talk or see things because that's a regular thing that happens to people when they are bored.

I guessed laughing.

Werewolves were created to serve and if we don't serve then we will all die, that's a fact and the reason why even humans can't stay in one place is because they will become suicidal if care is not taken since they cannot be still and do nothing.

So, society has been the one that's built a function for us and I think the new function that all races are now following is the one created by Man.

Not the Divine function we were created for.

Since the moon goddess who created us, all must have created us for a function but it's just sad that we don't know that function anymore and I am yet to find out and understand what is going on?

And how much will things continue like this in this world full of no commands and choices.

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