The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Lora's [P.O.V]

It was finally my birthday and I had woken up from the sleep but I was in cravings yesterday as I couldn't wait for today to happen.

Since it meant that I would be becoming a Luna and would meet my mate.

So, I quickly got up on the bed rushing back again into the bedroom to freshen up and put on the gown that I found by the side of my bed... Knowing that there's no how it won't be my mum then I left it for me.

She's the best ever!

After putting on my dress my door whines open and the next person that walks in was my mum with her holding a new cloth in her hands as she looks at me with a worried look over her face.

"Yes, I know I'm kind of late for work but then I'll be going to see the person who would be assisting in the Police department for now" I replied to my mum but it seemed that wasn't what was in her mind or was bothering her.

"What is it Mum?" I asked her in return as I was wondering the reason why she carried such a look over her face.

The moon has turned red and this means that a fire wolf will be chosen today in our pack and it is your responsibility to destroy that wolf if so, we are unable to destroy the fire werewolf by ourselves.

I know that today is your birthday but this is very important if you want to save all races of werewolves, so instead of us to wear white clothes and celebrate your birthday today, we will wear our Amor and congratulate you with whoever will becomes your mate." My mum says to me, dropping the armored cloth over my bed.

"So, after you are done from work remember to put on your armor because your birthday will be celebrated in the night's moon and I can only hope that all things will go as planned." She says leaving.

My heart beat for a moment as I couldn't believe that the stories told by all our ancestors concerning The Awakening of the sleeping alpha would be happening today which happens to be my birthday.

After my mum had left.

I followed in return...had my breakfast and quickly headed to the police department to meet with the person who I will be assisting.

Once I had reached, I could see a male police officer standing by a side waving at me in return.

And I could tell that he really knew my description to tell that it was me.

The day was going so normal since I was the one doing more of the work by helping sheriff Philip by buying his doughnuts and by applying my scientific knowledge in helping him in his activities which made things easier for both of us.

But the thoughts of The Awakening of the sleeping alpha kept running through my mind as I was so afraid of the dangers that my come to my pack and other packs because he was known as the Slayer of alphas and one of the most dangerous werewolves in his time before he became an alpha once he had turned eighteen but had to sleep for his curse.

From nowhere I felt a very sharp pain come through my chest going to my head and again down to my legs and it hurt me as I closed my eyes trying to relieve myself of the pain and it finally disappeared all of a sudden.

"Rodger an earthquake just occurred at the central building, call for help and support" someone says over the radio phone that sheriff Philip was having around his waist and only thought of an earthquake happening somewhere was already thrilling me since I was not used to things like that.

Or should I say the practical aspect of my science.

I and sheriff Philip drove to the area where the earthquake happened and we looked deep into the hole that was so massive and I could notice that somehow there was a bed deep down in the earthquake and from the other side; I could see royal garments, prince like clothes and so on and I didn't want to believe what my thoughts were beginning to tell me about it.

"How is it possible for a room to be underneath the ground with footsteps that I could perceive where that of vampires, something was really fishy about everything but then we came to an understanding my heartbeats in a serious shock as I didn't want to believe that the sleeping alpha had just woken up but how come vampires are involved?

Thoughts ran through my mind and I didn't want to believe my own self so I decided to fishy the topic just so that I don't get worried.

After work I was heading home, a little bit tired because of the new things I had seen today but excited since I wanted to believe that everything that happened today was part of me being an adult and getting a job.

Once I had reached the pack, I came out of my car and it was the first time I had my wolf talk to me.

"Lora, you have to go into the forest now and accept the oath of the Moon goddess as soon as possible because your live might be in danger" my wolf says to me and I quickly questioned her because this was the first time that my wolf was able to talk to me and I'm guessing it's because I have turned eighteen years old today.

"So, what is your name?" I ask her in return.

"I'm a wolf, I accept whatever name like you will need me but listen Lora you are to go and obtain the magic of the scrolls" she says to me.

"I name you Siri, but why?" I asked in return.

"The frozen alpha's son, God of the moon's child, the Slayer of alphas and monster, the general of war and curse sleeping alpha has been freed" she says to me and I stood really shocked.

"What are you waiting for Lora! I accepted your name, now accept your destiny" Siri says like the Luna that she Is.

So instead of me going to the pack area, I decided to go to the forest where all the scrolls were.

The heavens parted and it stormed loudly.

The moon goddess had arrived.

"Do you accept to be my earthly and do my biddings Luna Lora!?" The moon Goddess asked.

"Yes!" I said in return and it thundered louder.

"Let the powers of the scroll belong to you" she says and all the magic of all the scrolls that were available and I was coming my hands and sparking through my veins and I felt like a God.

It felt Unbelievable!

I am the fire Werewolf written in tales.

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