The frozen Alpha

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>The frozen Alpha>Chapter 45

Chapter 45

Xavier's [P.O.V]

The scent of my mum fills my nose and a smile erupts out of me.

I knew she wanted to catch me unaware, so I hid as she called out my name.

"Xavier... Where are you?" She stresses my name making this much creepier as I closed my eyes hoping that she does not catch me.

But then her warm palm comes over my cheeks and she embraces me in her loving care.

I bowed to show respect to her as even as small as I was... I could feel her magic, she was the grand Luna and she grabbed me by my cheek.

"No son. never bow to mummy okay... You will be an alpha one day and mommy will bow before you. okay Xavier" she requested of me and I nodded and she took me out for a walk into the forest.

"Son. one day when you grow up, you would meet someone like me and she would show you so much love like the way mommy does"

"She would be your other half." she continued to talk to me and my eyes brightened up as I started to think about how werewolves meet their mates.

"Really mum? Would she be able to fly like you with big wings?" I asked her, already amazed and she looked at me and smiled.

"If she becomes a grand Luna. she would fly like mummy but when you grow up you will be ten times as fast and strong as your dad and you would also be able to fly since you will be becoming the grand vampire" she says to me caressing my hair.

"Promise me son, that you will not be like your father but ten times greater than him... Promise me that you would be a good boy and show your fellow vampires love" she requested of me with her right hand up and I placed my palm over hers and she brought me in kissing my forehead.

I perceived my dad's scent and he tried to walk towards me speedily just for him to hit himself on a shield like a wall... I knew something was wrong.

My mum's eyes turned red and she flew into the air. "Xavier! Run towards daddy. there's danger!" She said to me and my heart started to beat from the inside.

I turned about to run just for me to see a man pointing his crossbow at me.

My dad punched the shield hard with his fist but unable to break into it and I closed my eyes calling my name to strengthen my parents and he laughed evilly as he fired his arrow at me and I closed my eyes afraid of what was about to happen to me.

Just for me to open my eyes and see my mum in front of me with the pointy mouth of the arrow out from her back.

"No!!!" My dad screams transforming into his werewolf self-punching the wall as hard as he could.

My mum turns and she stares at me then she spits out blood as she uses her wings to slice the man into shreds.

She ran towards me as she grabbed me up on herself as she flew up into the air.

"Xavier, you have to fly away to daddy, okay?" She said to me as more blood came out of her mouth and for some reason... I felt really hurt as I knew she had to be deeply hurt to bleed that much.

"But I can't fly like you mum." I said to her and a tear rolled out of her eyes as she held me even tighter to herself trying to break the shield with her magic just for something to start dragging us down from the air.

She tried using her wings to cut down the chain that had held her and I looked down to see them dragging us down as fast as they could and fear gripped into me.

"Mum fly higher!" I said to her and she increased her pace just for another glowing arrow to pierce through her chest and she held me tightly to herself and used her wings to cover me inside of her as we hit hard to the floor.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my wife!" My dad growls fighting the shield with his eyes reddened.

I hear my mum hardly exhale as she struggles to breathe.

"Mum! What's wrong?" I asked her as she acted extremely choked.

I had never seen my mum in such bad pain before. "Daddy!!" I cried out in my voice of fear holding my mum's face and she shakes staring at me.

A hand grabbed me by my shirt dragging me off her and I tried to fight but they were too strong for my little vampire strength.

"I will give you an easy death Cara!... Give me your gift willingly and I will kill you or I would kill you and still take your gifts?... So, pick one" he says to her and the word kill made me shiver in serious fear, I could feel my wolf troubled from inside me.

"Please wolf! I am begging you, don't do this before my son... Please" my dad begs frustrated as he could not help.

"I will never give my powers to an undeserving bastard like you!" My mum says as a rogue holds her by her hair, raising her into the air and she cries in pain.

"Please don't hurt her." I said shaking as I thought that they may reconsider.

He turns about to hit me and my mum to use her wings to kill the rogue holding her... rushing to save me and just before I could say a word again... She fell on her knees as a sword went through her heart.

Her vampire teeth came out in pain and I screamed.

I could feel her pain and I held my chest seeing her fall to the ground.

I knew what it was.

"No!" My dad signs painfully.

"No! ah!" he punches the floor staring at me who stood shocked at the sight.

"Not before my son" My dad cried bitterly on his knees and two lights came out of my mum's body and everyone moved back in the sight and fear of it.

A witch started casting a spell to hold the powers and I stared at it go up into the air. both blue and red signifying the two greatest authorities of both vampires and werewolves.

I always knew my mum was more powerful than my dad in magical powers but not in strength but right now... His strength is useless.

"Trap or cage those powers before they leave!" The wolf alpha shouts out as he looks at me but then takes his attention off me.

The blue light circled the red and then it was controlled by the witch just for the witch to catch into a fire, burning off.

The blue became the protection of the red and the blue fired itself into me with the red striking lightning everywhere, and in a flash… It blasts out of the place.

"Kill the little boy." he said angrily as the red glowing light blasted off.

"Wait, wolf, you can't take the gift. if you kill the child, you won't still be able to take the gift... All this is useless" a witch said to him and he slapped her and she falls over the floor.

"Take the boy." he says and I got up to run just for a rogue to hold my neck carrying me and a deep roar erupted in the forest.

I knew it was my dad! "Daddy!" I screamed out but then my mouth got covered as they threw me into their car.

"Make sure he doesn't come any closer." The alpha said to about ten witches who had created a shield wall over the whole forest to keep my dad locked from saving me.

I looked from the car's mirror to see my dad! Trying his possible best to save me and tears rolled out from my eyes as I stared at the men who sat next to me.

Seeing their faces... one by one. they were all alphas and not rogues, I wondered what a lovely vampire family ever did wrong to be treated so badly but then I heard a voice.

"Grandson! All this is not real, they're giving you false dreams… you have to…" a feminine voice that should be my granny says just before a felt a pain rush through my body.

The pain got into me like a cold and my eyes closed up just for me to jump up from my bed.

Trying to believe all that was a dream... Why do I always have these nightmares?

I am a twenty-one years old vampire now and my dreams can't possibly be true.

I don't know why I always dream of that day; I am a vampire and I will avenge my parents.

All alpha's will pay with their lives.

I can only hope - I am in a real world.

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