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I heard the booming sounds of dress shoes hitting the floors and bouncing off the walls in the hallway with reverberating echoes into my room before the sound of my name followed.


And instantly I'm on my feet. Hurrying to clear the room and wipe out traces of my rebellious plans that are mapped out all over my bed. It has always been a premeditated step of mine to get rid of the evidences in the space of thirty seconds after my name resounds through the hall before the door swings open and the devil himself walks in.

It only takes a moment for the last of the documents to get shoved under my bed before the door swung open with a threatening force enough to detach the door from its hinges. I've known him long enough to know what that means for me.

It can only mean two things: He's in a bad mood or He's in a terribly bad mood and I don't even want to dare to know what mood it was today. The red silk tie flying across the room just as the door opened gave me an answer to my question.

Luciano Ivanovich is in a terribly bad mood. And I'm going to bear the brunt of it.


One simple command. The usual one that has me obeying like a darned mutt and I'm off in an instant, shedding my clothes as if I am in heat. My speed seemed too slow to him because I was barely out of my panties before he pulled me to him and brought me down on my knees in front of him. I got to work immediately, loosing the leather belt that held his pants together. With one swift motion, I brought his pants and his underwear down and that all too familiar hard member sprang up to my face.

I stroked him and a loud pained groan that seemed to vibrate from his chest up to his throat, erupted from his lips.

As I stroked him, I wondered what went wrong again today. What illegal business plans of his fell through. How much illegal money was lost. Who got on his nerves and whose blood he shed to release part of his rage and then sink the rest of it into me.

"In your mouth" Luciano growled out. I Instantly stop stroking and took him into my mouth. I know how to pleasure him since it's all I've done over the past seven years. Just like doing the dishes, scrubbing the floors and cleaning the windows, pleasuring Luciano is nothing but a chore for me.

I licked at the red throbbing cap of his dick and it made him grab my hair on impulse. His breathing became heavy and the sound of it was the only thing that disrupts the silence of the room. I take him fully into my mouth until he hits the back of my throat and it sent Luciano's eyes rolling in their sockets and his head reeling to the back. As much as I despised him, that look on his face when I pleasure him is nothing short of angelic. And maybe it's because this is the only time I get to feel like I have control over him.

Luciano Ivanovich is sinfully handsome. There's no doubt about it.

And I will get away with saying he is the prince of Hades himself. The one whose features shames Adonis himself. His eyes are the darkest of browns with specks of hazel lightning them up like the color of honey when the light hits them. A nose broken one too many times but still manages to keep up with the rest of his face in radiating the waves of a domineering yet dangerous man.

His broad back and wide strong shoulders are set on a body that is held up by strong sturdy legs with bulging muscles that don't even cave in no matter how hard I grab them when he's stuffing his dick aggressively into my mouth. His tall frame shames the door of my room each time he opens it and casts a shadow greater than the door can ever dream of.

But none of these can change the fact that Luciano is a monster. The infamous Mafia boss of the Red Devil mafia and my worse nightmare. The one who took my life away from me years ago and relegated me to the life where I am nothing but a slut and a plaything to him.

"Look at me. let me see your eyes on me"

He bellowed, tugging harder at the roots my hair. And forcefully shoving the rest of his big hard member down my throat as I struggled to suck him and take all of him in. I obeyed and looked up into that swirl of brown eyes. I've known him long enough to know that me kneeling naked in front of him and looking at him while sucking at his dick is a major turn on for him. And so I looked into Luciano's eyes.

As I look at his his eyes,his angelic look of pleasure isn't the only thing I see. I see my nightmares in the depths of his orbs. The foremost of them being the brutality with which he killed my parents in front of my very own eyes. I see the way he abducted me and the moments he took my innocence. The moments he used me over and over again.

And I hate him for it. For everything.

He started thrusting into my mouth with much more force. His rage radiated off him in shocking waves and all I just do is kneel to take his assault on my mouth. He grabbed my hair and sank himself deeper into him. The room echoed with the slapping wet and slurpy sounds of his thrust inside of my mouth and the ragged breathing that left his lips. My eyes well up with tears that burned my eyes and I gagged from time to time when his thrusts hit the back of my throat.

Yet I didn't close my eyes neither did he shut his till I finally felt the veins of dick tighten and his muscles flex hard. He's close. He didn't stop thrusting into my mouth until he came with a loud satisfied groan while muttering a string of curses and the evidences of his release sputtered out of his dick and into my mouth. I swallowed everything and lapped at the ones that spluttered all over his dick,my mouth and covering my breasts.

I milked him dry till there was nothing left. And till I left him breathing erratically.

I waited dutifully on my knees in front of him while he came down from his high and preparing myself to be roughly taken against my bed, the floor, the walls or wherever Luciano sees fit. When he reached down to pull his pants up, I knew that wouldn't happen tonight and thanked my stars because I was even yet to heal from the rough painful sex from a few days ago.

The tension in his body seemed to have dissipated and I'm convinced that once again, I have done a good job at taking Luciano's rage.

It was then that I noticed the dried up blood that smeared his hands. I wonder whose father , husband or son died in Luciano's hands again today.

"Keep sneaking around my back and it might just be your blood next time"

His cold voice snapped my eyes away from his hands and to his frame that goes in search of the tie he flung when he barged into the room. I'm not fazed by his threat since it's not the first time he's directed them at me. I'm more concerned about the fact the he has noticed my suspicious movements around him

"I don't know what you're talking about"

Was all I said as I got up and fished for my clothes that laid carelessly on the floor of my room.

"Even the fact that you were sneaking around my office yesterday?"

He continued. I'm not surprised at the much Intel Luciano gets on what I do and I've tried to be stealth and careful with it but his watchdogs are everywhere watching my every move. But I still feigned ignorance as I put my clothes on.

"Again Luciano, I don't know what you're talking about"

That earned me a displeased groan that I ignored. I've always gotten way with calling him by his name.

"Are you trying to run away again? Haven't you learnt something after all these years? Or you'll only stop after I put a bullet through your head?"

I stopped in the middle of tieing my hair up and turned to look at him. The look on his face is sinister and the mockery in his eyes is clear. The reminder of all my unsuccessful attempts to run away from him soared anger within me.

"Then go ahead Luciano! Fucking kill me! Why do you keep me here when you can have any slut you want! They flock your bars and clubs don't they?"

He said nothing as if amused by my confrontations. I know Luciano is anything but amused. Since it's not the first time we've had arguments like this. And so just for the sake of my sanity and to wipe that look off his face, I taunted him.

"Or you can't? Because they can't make you feel the way I make you feel? Because they don't know how to work your dick like I do"

Luciano's eyes darkened but he maintained his posture.

" Don't flatter yourself" he said but I continued. "Or you just can't watch me go away from your dark life since I'm the only good thing that's yet to be broken by you!"

Luciano growled and in no time he's already standing in front of me, grabbing my hair and placing a firm grip that hurt on my jaw. Angry lines fomed on his forehead and his dark brown eyes only got darker. I whimpered. It's in times like this that I remember how dangerous Luciano is.

"Looks like I didn't fuck this mouth hard enough for it to feel sore when you talk. I would have loved to teach you a lesson but I have more important things to attend to. And what makes you think you're unbroken? You're already broken Xena. I broke you and will do it over and over again. just so you know, you're mine to break and mine to keep for as long as I fucking want! The sooner you accept that, the better"

With that, he let me go and shoved me aside.

His words hit home and I want to break down and cry but never in front of him. I simply watched him with unshed tears as he smoothened the crumples of his suit.

"10 a.m tomorrow. My office"

And he's already out of the door leaving me and my thoughts in disarray. But I was already past shedding tears at Luciano's words and so making sure he's really gone , I went back to plotting my vices for escaping him and serving him my revenge.

It's either I get out of this hell hole or I die trying.

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