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>BOUND BETWEEN TWO MAFIA LORDS>Meeting With The Devil Once Again

Meeting With The Devil Once Again




Whenever Luciano asks me to be in his office, it can only mean two things for me; either he wants to fuck me against his desk or just wants me there so he can grope me while having a meeting with the men of his Mafia.

It has always been that way and I've gotten so used to being his plaything and a joke to his men and so all I do is stare into space and zone their words out.

But something in Luciano's voice when he said that to me the night before tells me it's neither of those things and whatever it is, I'm convinced it has a lot to do with the tension that filled the entire Red Devil mansion the moment I stepped out of my room.

The silence that filled the halls is eerie and I'd choose the usual scene of big bulky men with menacing frowns and dangerous guns walking about the house than this scary silence.

The first thing I noticed was the absence of the men who are always stationed at my door to keep an eye on me to keep me from getting "silly" ideas in my head although it doesn't change the fact that i still find a way to manoeuvre myself and escape their watchful eyes. The men are commanded to check on me every hour and it's even worse that I don't get a say in keeping them away from my room since it was without a lock.

Luciano right from when he brought me to this prison he calls a mansion, provided me with a room but not without removing the locks of the door giving me no freedom whatsoever to lock the door from the inside so as to keep him from barging into my room and fucking me like his life depends on it.

The only thing close to freedom I'm allowed is stalking around the huge mansion never going out of it.

The last time I saw the gates of the mansion was the first time Luciano abducted me and brought me here when I was just fifteen.

He nurtured me and punished me when I went against him. My body still bears the scars of his whips. Fattened me up like a sheep for the slaughter until I was old enough to be bedded by a man.

The closest thing to freedom I get is swimming in the indoor pool in the mansion.

I'm not allowed to clean. Wash.Or cook their meals.

There are maids around to do the house chores of the mafia men. All I do is sit in my prison tagged a room, and count the minutes and the days until Luciano comes into my room again.

His men are everywhere around the mansion that has countless rooms and big enough to contain a hundred men.

Most days they are either out for one illegal business or the other or they go nowhere and flock the mansion with their loud thick voices booming and shaking the foundations of the mansion. The men avoid me like a plague and fall into silence when I pass by. For one, I know their boss warned them or worse threatened them go stay away from me but even I steered clear of their way.

It doesn't matter who they work for, they're all dangerous heartless men I couldn't trust.

I'm not even allowed to talk to the maids who come to work every day and retire in an unknown place for the night

The only person I am allowed to talk to or maybe it's the other way round and is the only one allowed to talk to me is Luciano's brother and second on command in the Mafia.


And he's the only one I set my eyes on when I leave my room and pass by the massive kitchen of the massion. He was seated on a chair in front of the kitchen island and has his back turned to me but I wouldn't mistake that dusty Brown hair for someone else.


I called and he swiveled around on the seat to look at me.

Luca looked just like his brother. That domineering and Dangerous looking trait is something they both have in common. His looks are every bit as handsome as Luciano's but Luca is nothing like Luciano. Maybe because he's just a young boy who got sucked into a world he doesn't want to be in. Just like I was.

Luca was only eleven when Luciano abducted me.

I remember him to be the frail eleven years old boy who would come into my room and just sit by the door to stare at me with a curious look in his eyes. I knew instantly from his brown eyes that matched Luciano's that Luca was his brother and I hated him instantly without even getting to know him.

But the little boy didn't stop coming into my room.

He'd bring snacks whenever I failed to eat the food made for me or lotions whenever I got tortured by Luciano.

He never said anything. Just stared. For minutes. Hours. Till Luciano barks his name and he scurries out only for him to come back again after he's sure that his brother was out of sight.

Then one day he gained courage to talk to me for the first time when he asked me

"Are you my brother's wife?"

I was taken aback for a moment. I knew he was old enough to know I am his brother's prisoner and not even close to being his wife. Besides, I'd rather be that monster's slut than submit to me by being his wife.

"What makes you think so?"

"He said he was going to get a wife and then he brought you the next day."

I said nothing after that and brushed Luca's words off as the words of a little boy. Our bond as friends grew since then and it's already clear to him and everyone in Luciano's Mafia where I stand with their boss.

"He's been waiting for you"

Luca's voice broke into my reminisces.

"And you couldn't come to get me?"

I replied and he shrugged

"I knew you would come around but you really need to stop testing Luciano's patience Xena, he could really hurt you one day"

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop acting like you don't know what I mean Xena. The men saw you roaming by this office yesterday. What are you planning to do?"

"Why are you bothered by what I plan to do? Nothing I do ever works"

I said and reached for an apple on the kitchen island. If anyone can read me or knows me better than myself, it's Luca and I'm sure he is anything but convinced by my words.

"Where's all of the men?" I asked him unable to get the curiousity out of my head.

"It's nothing you need to know about Xena"

I could sense Luca's attempt to shut me off. Something he never days. Something was off about the way he talked and the way he acted. Something must have gone wrong among the mafia men and I wondered if that was why Luciano was so full of rage last night.

And whatever it is, it's what's got the mansion so quiet and eerie.

And there's only one way to find out.

" I should go see him now" I said and made to leave.

I was halfway through the kitchen door when Luca called my name. I stopped and turned to him. The worry in his eyes is too clear and bright for a man who was trained not to feel such emotions.

"Be careful with Luciano, he's not in a good mood"

I snorted. When is Luciano Ivanovich ever in a good mood?

"I'm fucking serious here Xena. Control that smart mouth of yours"

I pause for a while before I sent a nod his way and walked out of the kitchen.

To meet the devil once again. Whether I come out alive this time is a matter of Luciano's mood.

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