The Substitute

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Contemporary Romance>The Substitute>Chapter VI Confrontation

Chapter VI Confrontation

Liz served Alex tea and biscuits in the Lanai overlooking her vegetable garden at the backyard.

You have followed every details of the dream house you envisioned when we were engaged declared Alex.

Thank you at least there is a part of the plans i made during our engagement came true, Liz answered while looking directly to his eyes.

I guess i deserve that and maybe even more, Alex replied while breaking eye contact then focus his attention to Andy who was playing on the swing.

Why did you come here? why waste your time to look for me? Liz asked.

I never stop loving you, i did not stop looking for you, i did not give up on us, i don't want to give up on us Alex replied.

I have to give you up, for Lia's sake, for your child's sake and to save my family's prized reputation liz declared sarcastically.

Alex looked away from Andy and stared directly at Liz, you are mistaken the wedding did not push thru Alex answered sadly Lia's boyfriend appeared during the ceremony and opposed the wedding, he declared that the child is his and he will marry Lia. The ceremony was stop, the reception was cancelled. Everybody was shocked, I was relieved but i failed to find you. I searched every where but you were gone, nobody knew where you went you vanished without a letter , without hearing me out Alex declared.

I did not care if everybody is laughing at me at that time all i cared about is finding you. To be able to explain and ask forgiveness, but you did not give me the chance Alex sadly declared.

So your now blaming me? in case you have forgotten i was the victim answered Liz with her tears flowing. I did not deserve that, the humiliation, the pain, the betrayal. You can't blame me, for not staying i could not stomach other people feeling sorry for me, worst some are even blaming me. I have all the right to leave, forget everything and start a new life. I deserve to start anew, deserve to live the way i want without you, without my family who never considered my feelings.

I did not blame you for leaving Alex answered, i just wish you allowed me to explain before you left.

I wish you told me that you were pregnant and allowed me to decide about the baby before you left.

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