The Substitute

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Contemporary Romance>The Substitute>CHAPTER XII \" Explanations\"

CHAPTER XII \" Explanations\"

Edward also included two death certificates, the first one is named to Andy's declared. Mother and the other one belongs to a baby girl that was stillborn, whose declared mother was liz.

Alex also found the doctors assesment and recommendation.

Liz was depressed tbat her baby did not survived and she keeps on stealing babies in tbe nursery to breast feed them. Edward was also depresed about the lost of his wife and cannot stand taking care of Andy and just left him inthe nursery. Andy was. always crying so the hospital staff asked liz help to breast feed him and take care of him. Liz immediately got attcahed to Andy he took care of him and treated him as her own child. Edward agreed to this set up. Based.on the doctors evaluation both Liz and Edward's depression condition drastically improve.The doctors handling the case unaninously suggested that the agreement be continued.


I.did not noticed the tears. started to flow on my face. Our baby did not survive ,Liz had a depression,she must have been hurt a lot and she was all alone. It must has been a torture for Liz when our daughter was lost that she ended up borrowing other peoples children.

Alex now understand why Liz always reports to Edward everything about Andy and why there is a schedule when Edward will babysit Andy.

Why Liz told him that they have a complicated relationship. How selfish i have been, Alex shouted How stupid i was he yelled. He wanted to find Liz immediately so he can ask for forgiveness. He was willing to accept whatever punishment Liz is going to give him but no matter what hapens he is determined not let go of Liz no matter what.

New years eve fire works can be heard anywhere, Alex was all alone in his apartment, while his neighbors were celebrating he was busy booking for flight going back to Saipan, his luggage was full. Of food products that were LiZ favorite.

I plan to. earn Liz trust again Alex thought

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