The Substitute

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Contemporary Romance>The Substitute>\"Chapter XIV\" 2nd Chabce

\"Chapter XIV\" 2nd Chabce


My plane landed by 12NN, due to the New Year Hang over most people are either still asleep or visitung families. The lazy holidat vibe can be felt everywhere. From the airport i took a taxi directly to Liz house, i was so excited to see her, i want to talk to her ask for her forgiveness and ask for a 2nd chance.

I hit the doorbell, on the 3rd ring she came out still wearing her PJs with a very confused look.

Happy New Year Liz, can i come in? She hesitantly open the door and allowed me to come in. I gave her the bouquet i bought at the airport. She said thank you ang ushered me to have a seat in her living room.

Im sorry i just woke up, Liz declared i have not cooked anything for lunch thw only tbing i can offer you are left overs from last night's year end neighborhood party. I smiled and said anythubg will be fine Im not that hungry Alex answered. I cane to see you, hoping praying you will give me, hive our relationship a second chance. I know what we did 5 years ago was unforgiveable, hiw i judged you when i came here in Saipan was unfair. Im willing to accept whatever punishment you will give. i deserve such things, Im willing to do anything so we could be together again. Please give me chance even if we start as friends, allow me to court you and prove to you my love is true. I may have taken you forgrabted before, but i won't allow to lose you again. Those last 5 years has been unbearable, it was only the hope of finding you that gave me strenght to survive.

I know a million sorry is not enough but please i can't live without you. I did not even noticed that o was crying while telling what i have declared.


I'm having a hard time believing what Alex is saying, sincerity can be seen on his face, he was crying while talking. He said everything while looking directly at my eyes and holding my hands. I was speechless.

Lets take it one day at a time i answered him, a lot of things has happened. i don't want to make any hasty decisions, Im scared to get hurt again.

But Im willing to give you a chance i saod smiling shyly. The past 5 years has taught me that every problem has a solution and there is always a rainbow after the storm.

Alex embraced me tightly as of he does not want let go of me. Thank you he said, for always having a positive outlook, for never giving up on me on our love. I promise you this time i will be there for you no matter what, i will understant and support you and won't give up on you

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