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LGBT>Chasing>Chapter 2

Chapter 2

MR. Noah black P.O.V:

AFTER HEARING THE NEWS, I remained in mute tone rolling my eyes with puzzled mind, I wanted to run to the hospital and see Kim, but at the same time, I was afraid that he might ask me to leave, or yell at my face, because I was the same reason for every day he suffered in his life .i didn't notice that there are so many people in my room talking to me .

"So, now Mr. Noah what will happen?"The reporter questioned me snapping me from my daze again.

I spun my head to him and I furrowed my eyebrows in an angry way"Now all of you will get out of here, I need to change my clothes, I'm getting out of this hospital now." I hollered at all of the people inside the room, starting from this nosy reporter that I still don't know until this moment how he got in here, finishing to the guards and the doctors.

"Sir, you can't, you are not fully recovered."The doctor blurted out gazing at me in disbelief, everyone wants to ask me why I care that much about Kim? even the doctor but he's scared to death from me, he somehow knows my real identity because sometimes one of my men got shot by a gun and he was the one who does the treatment for him .. in any case, this hospital is mine.

"I DON'T CARE!"I groan gazing at him with my deadly look.

"Then, you are going to Mr. Kim!" the reporter widened his eyes and chuckled. who is he for god's sake ? do I know that guy ? is he undercover or something ? do I have to shot him DIRECT INBETWEEN HIS EYES and end his fucking life? but I'm really bothered now and he keeps distracting me all the time.

"I said GET THE HELL OUT OF MY FACE NOW." I shrieked kicking the reporter by my leg to flip him from the chair down to the floor.

"Kick this reporter out now!"I commanded my guards and pointed to the reporter's face by my fingers.

"Yes, sir."The guards nod and pulled the reporter to outside.

"But I have only thing to say to you before leaving this room, Mr. Noah."The reporter blurted out and smirked gazing at me.

I pointed to the guards to let him "What is it?" I questioned the reporter in curiosity. definitely, this guy reached the top of the red line and he didn't know that!

The  reporter stepped closer and rubbed his chain throwing me with a mysterious look "When I stepped into this room, I already knew that Mr. Kim didn't die, so I have to tell what else I know about his physical case!"

I sway my head peering at him trying to curb my anger "What? Tell me now or you want money?"

The reporter shook his head from right to left as no "No sir, I just want you to get out of his life forever, Mr. Kim was the one who helped me to get this job! He's so kind! I know most of your stories! Don't worry I won't use this to blackmail you!" he said firmly as if he was commanding me.

"Fuck you! What do you want!" I hollered at him and stepped closer but he didn't even blink! sure that guy has the guts to face me! or his just an idiot didn't really know who I'm as he said!

He blew a deep breath away walking in the room in circles then he paused and spin his head to me "I want to ask you to leave him forever! It's enough Mr. Noah! Get out of his life."

I pointed to his face"Don't interfere in this!" I said in a stern tone as warning one.

The reporter rolled his eyes and tugged his fingers "Okay, but for now, Mr. Kim lost his memory completely, good luck with that," he sighed with a depressed look.

And then the reporter waved to me and just left... with weird expressions and huge gigantic smile as if he was telling me that we are going to meet each other again.

I gestured to the doctors and the guards to get out and then I slammed the door after all of them left, it was just me and David now "What did he just say? Kim lost his memory? It's just a lie right?"I cleared my throat asking David I thunderstruck.

"Mr. Noah please calm down,"David placed his palm on my shoulder trying to confront me with words.

"David! Prepare the limo now, I'm leaving, I want to see Kim!" I commanded him.

"But _," David trembled.

"No, but! You are my best friend and my right hand! You are the holder of my secrets! But you are not allowed to give me an opinion! Got that!" I shrieked  giving him the warning to do not cross the limits.

David rolled his eyes "Mr. Noah, I mean, give me more time to check on his case first then I will drive you to him,"David explained to me.

"NO! NOW!" I bawled slamming the wall with my both rounded fists with a face full of evil and anger mixed together.sure, no one in this world could stop me.

I signaled to David"David come over here now,"

"Yes, Mr. Noah." he stepped closer and lean down close to my face.

"Make sure that reporter won't ever say a word," I whispered.

David Dropped his jaw and trembled "But sir. He said that _ you promised me that you will be quit your dark illegal work." David stuttered.

I rubbed my chin and raised my head gazing at him"That's when I thought that Kim is dead but now I just have to come back again! Noah Black is back!" I explained to David arrogantly, yes I'm back.

"Okay sir, don't worry then consider him as blind and deaf with no tongue or fingers,"David shook his head.

"Great, now get me my clothes, i want to go to Kim," I commanded him.

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