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LGBT>Chasing>Chapter 3

Chapter 3


I WORE MY CLOTHES, AND I STORMED OFF THE HOSPITAL.I skipped all the reporter's eyes that turned into me and some of them acted suicidal blowing their own bodies to cross my guards to reach me.

But, my guards blocked their paths and we left the back door down to the parking to get inside my limo while my guards followed us in other cars.

David drove the car to where Kim was.the hospital was close from my hospital about 3 minutes far away, but my beats were getting higher and I was sweating, I was so nervous to see him laying down between life and death. especially I was too scared to see him with lost memory, what if he didn't remember me?

To be honest i wished that some of our past was washed from his head but just the bad memories, but to drop me away from his brain was something I couldn't even imagine , but I was convincing myself and giving myself some hopes, they said that he was calling my name in the middle of his coma, so I hoped that he didn't forget about our love, especially that he loved me to death .

we reached the hospital , I didn't care much to walk in front of everyone , I rushed to the intensive care as a train with no breaks , I didn't give a shit to anyone , I opened the door , the doctors tried to stop me , reporters, fans, his relatives, everyone, but I didn't care , actually they didn't know that I'm so afraid deep inside to see him in this critical case..

but when they realised that I will go inside by force anyhow so they surrender to my will and just asked me to be far from him because his immunity is down and this may affect his case and put him in more dangerous .. I nod and did what they asked me to do.

But , after I stepped inside and I saw his angelic face with his sealed eyes and pale skin, I slipped down on my knees tearing heavily , I couldn't stop myself, how I could hurt the one I love by my own hands to put him in this degree, but I thanked God that at least he is still breathing, I couldn't imagine my life after his death .

David and the doctors tried to help me to get up on my own feet, but it was tough for me to see him like this, and it was hard to control my feet either.

I stepped closer and pulled his hands kissing them and my tears were falling down.

they tried to pull me away, but I was frozen when I heard Kim mumbling my name in low voice 'Noah, Noah' my heart skipped some beats, I shivered.

I whispered "yes, honey, I'm here next to you, please forgive me, come back to me " I repeated this many times.

but he wasn't here, he was just saying Noah as if he didn't hear me, as they said, it's his subconscious.

The doctor bawled "please Mr. Noah! this is enough! do you want to kill him ?"

I twirl my head and gulped "No, no, I will get out now."

I glanced at Kim face one more time before walking outside of the intensive care.

I headed to the doctor's office to talk with them about kim.without knocking or excusing.

And David and my guards followed me as my shadow, they knew it, if any reporter came close from me at this moment then he is dead.

"What's wrong Mr?" head of the doctors narrowed his eyes and asked me in a shock.

I stepped closer and I pushed him to sit down "shut the fuck off ! or you will regret it! I'm NOAH BLACK !" I grind my teeth.

he rolled his eyes and trembled drawing a foolish light smile "oh, sir, I'm _"

"I said shut the fuck off! I don't want to hear your voice unless to answer my question! got that?" I hollered at the doctor and he just nods.

"GOOD! now tell me what's the new about Kim case ? and what's the hopes and don't lie! tell me the truth !"I commanded him firmly and I paid attention to him.

"Sir, Mr. Kim will be totally recovered in less than 2 days maybe less, but we think that he lost his memory completely! we don't know what will happen later to him, but we have to pray for him "the doctor informed me.

And I couldn't control my tears, it started to fall, and I felt aches inside my chest , I clutched my chest with my hand, barely breathing, David noticed what happened to me, so he shouts to the doctor to check on me .. I pointed by my both hands to them that I'm okay .

I blew a long sigh then I butted on a chair next to me "now, what I should do ? and what kind of medicine he will need if he lost his memory? and how I have to believe you especially that he was calling my name in his coma !"I stared at the doctor waiting for his reply.

"Sir, we are not sure, but in this cases, we have to wait and his only medicine should be pressing on his brain by reminding him with the old memories and the old places he used to go, meeting familiar faces ! and sure with some medication "the doctor explained to me.

I gulped "but you still not sure right? then how we will be sure that he lost it ?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"by only one test ! for example, he called your name, so we suppose that you are the closest person to his brain, so we will need you to be here when he comes back to his conscious, if he remembered you then he is fine, but if he didn't, then ..."The doctor stuttered.

I nod "then okay, I will stay here, I'm not leaving, prepare a suite and transfer him to the room immediately with all of the nursing and the doctors and everything you need " I commanded the doctors.

He smiled "sir, I can't he need to be in the intensive room "

"I SAID TRANSFER HIM IMMEDIATELY !" I raised an eyebrow.

And the doctor rushed out to do what I ordered, he stumbled from the fear, I know the scary man inside me appeared again. but I want to be the first person stand by him when he opens his eyes. I want to be next to him, I'm afraid from the consequences ,but I still want to be next to him.

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