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LGBT>Chasing>Chapter 4

Chapter 4


Now I'm sitting in the room next to Kim who was deeply sleeping, and I was keeping my eyes on him, the room was full of nurses and doctors in addition to more doctors I paid for the best to come for a consultant to be close from Kim. I was praying all the time and every single second and hoping that Kim will remember me, I know that God will never accept my prays, but I have nothing between my hands to help him except this.

'Money Can't Help at Those Moments.'

I waited without sleeping for more than 3o hours, staring at Kim's face, waiting and waiting. It was like 30 years to me not 30 hours.

SUDDENLY he opened his eyes ... I was panicked, trembled and stumbled hopping out of my chair close to him while the doctors started to examine his vision and his senses.

I cleared my throat and walked closer to make him see me.

"Where am I?"Kim whispered in a very low voice, even the doctors didn't hear his question, but because I know his voice well, I understood what he said.

I coughed and smiled at him "Kim, welcome back, you are in the hospital "

"Why?"He widened his eyes.

"What? You don't remember what happened?"I narrowed my eyes with unfocused eyes.

He shook his head slowly, he was barely moving his fingers "No, I don't remember "

I stepped closer holding his hands. He tried to pull his hands away from me, but i tighten my grip "baby "I kissed his hands softly.

"Hey, Mr! What are you doing?"Kim bawled and gazed at me.

"Mr? Kim! Don't you recognize me?"I raised my eyebrows in a hard shock waiting for a reply from him.

"No, I Don't know you! Have we met before? I want to go home! Where's my father and my mother?!"Kim shivered in a fear covered his face.

The doctors started to calm him down and I stepped in the back leaning my body against the wall, I felt choked, dead! As his parents died 7 years ago! This means that the last 7 years since we met. He forget it all! Since college days! He was in his first year and I was in my last year.

I controlled myself and I stepped closer again to him.I blew a deep breath away " Kim! Look at me! I'm Noah! NOAH BLACK!"

"So! I want my father! Mommy! "He shouted tossing his body right and left to straighten his body and stand up but the nurses and the doctors tied him to lay down.

"Please, Mr. Noah! Stop now or he could go through hard depression or long coma!"A doctor said to me.

I was afraid that I might lose him if I stressed more on his brain but I couldn't prevent myself from giving one more try.

"Kim! I'm your fiance! We met seven years ago at college! Try to get back to the old memories , try to remember!" I widened my eyes waiting and waiting.

He stared at the ceiling dazing away then, he smiled "sorry, but I Don't Remember! And I'm still in my first year! Why I'm here again?" he groans moving his eyes from one to another in the room, doing his best to understand.

"Mr. Kim, you committed suicide, you are not in your first year of college, you are 24 years old now! You are a famous singer! Your parents died years ago" the doctor explained to him! What the hell? Is this the shock he was talking about? Or he wants to kill him now by heart attack ?!

"What? You mean that I lost my last 7 years of my life? And that I Don't remember anything? If so? Then why I tried to end my life? What happened? "Kim raised his eyebrows gazing at the doctors that no one of them actually has an answer to this question, that's when all the eyes switched to me.

"Hey Mr, you said that I'm your fiancee! Then tell me the reason for what I did to myself?"Kim raised an eyebrow.

"It's - um... I Don't know "I stuttered rolling my eyes nervously. I couldn't answer, and I can't answer.

"Then you are not my fiancee!Get out of here! Do you have evidence for that? Where're my relatives?I want to ask them!"Kim shouted.

And one of the nurses rushed to inform Kim relatives that he wakes up and he needs to talk with them.

Once they stepped inside. The gazed at me.I smirked...Then I pointed to them by my hands "Kim wants to know from all of you if we are engaged or not?Tell him that he is my fiancee!"Actually, it was kind of threatening them. They know me well.

And surely all of them gestured and said yes.

I guess Kim didn't believe me or them. And his instinct was right, we have never been engaged.

kim pointed by his fingers to my face "you, tell me what's the name of my first pet?"

I chuckled "Are you kidding me? Mailoo and it was a puppy "

He blinked "Okay, then tell me which side I like to sleep?"

I giggled "that's easy, on your back "

"That's weird! Then tell me, which my favorite color?"He smirked.

I rubbed my chin and walked for a seconds as if I was thinking then i mumbled "you love black in cars but you hate to wear it, you love yellow in flowers but you hate to wear it, you hate pink and white on everything and on everyone except you, BUT your most shirts are pink and white" I giggled and I winked to him with a sigh of relief .

"And what about blue?"He gazed at me as it was a competitive question.Actually, it was because the answer to this question no one could know except me and him.

"You like to see the man you love wearing blue, dark and navy and baby blue, do you want me to tell you more?"I stared at him and he nods.

"You like kids, but you fear to touch them especially newborn babies, you feel that you might break them, you like tattoo but you are afraid of having one because of the pain, you like to eat pasta and pizza only and sometimes cinnamon ! you

_" I was going to continue.

But he cut off me "THEN WHY YOU LEFT ME???"He yelled at me.

I gulped staring at him rubbing my ears "What?"

"Why you left me with a broken heart?"Kim tears started to fall down and I dropped my jaw from the hard shock 'Then he remembered me!'

he heaved and spun his eyes towards me giving me a blaming look "you forgot about something ! or by another mean I actually have a tattoo! do you want to know what's my tattoo? ITS' NOAH ! "he shrieked giving me aches inside my chest and regretting what I did!

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