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LGBT>Chasing>Chapter 5

Chapter 5


I WAS STANDING SPEECHLESS by the shock! As if my tongues were eaten up! my eyes curled and my forehead sweating fall down and cover all my face and my eyes blur, I thought that he really forgot me! But even if he still can't forgive me but Alive and remembers me, Then this could be a big step and huge hope for me to make him forgive me someday, I will try for the rest of my life, even if he forgot what I did to him after hundred years. I can't lose him ever again.

BUT I came back from my daze after hearing Kim coughing as if everyone kept muted watching my expressions and waiting for me to say something .i controlled myself and held back my courage to talk.

"I _ I need your forgiveness, I know that I made a mistake when I _" I stuttered glaring at Kim while wiping my sweat.

Kim furrowed eyebrows and hollered at me "Cut off the crap Noah and get out of here! BE A MAN ! you said that you don't want to see my fucking face ever again, then all you have to do is to throw our past in the trash," he mumbled throwing me with angered and raged words.

I stepped closer from him "NO, listen to me, I do love you!" I sighed.

kim frown twirling his head away from me, skipping my pleading eyes"Your words mean nothing to me, you just want to have everything you want, nothing more!Noah! but not this time!"

I run my fingers through my hair nervously and said with frustrated tone"I will make sure that you will forgive me, just ask for anything !"

kim turned his face and gazed at me "What? Money? Cars? houses? I don't need all of these ! all I wanted in the past was you! but now I don't want you either !" Kim throws me with a smirking grin. he was right! he never asked for anything! I was the selfish one, who kept playing around with his feelings all the time and once I was done with him! I just throw him away from my path!like a toy after breaking it into pieces.

I cleared my throat drawing the sweetest look ever ."I was wrong Kim! you are everything to me! my family! my life !" I confessed, I know it's too late but actually, it's never late, God gave me another chance to correct it after giving Kim another chance to live!

"Mr. Kim! sorry for the interruption but I guess this man really deserves a second chance this time!" David stepped closer and started to talk with Kim, finally, someone could say something to support me. I blew a sigh of relief.

"Why David ! are you scared for him or he paid you to say so?" Kim raised an eyebrow throwing David with a gigantic smirk.

David shook his head from left to right " No, Mr. Kim! this time I'm honest! please watch the news ! ask your relatives and doctors! after you committed suicide, the news announced that you died, so he tried to kill himself either, he took over 30 pills of tranquilizers, we almost lost him but doctors saved him in the last minute," David explained seriously to Kim who was amused and flabbergasted.

Kim twists his eyes and gazed at me ."Is that true Noah?" he questioned me in disbelief, he didn't believe that I could do something like this!

"Yes! I couldn't imagine my life without you." I nod and sighed to Kim.

"Um, I guess I could put you under test! if you passed then I will forgive you but if you _" Kim scrunched the top of his nose and throw me with a sheepish smile .at least he smiled.

"Okay, I accept ! what kind of test?" I blurted out and shook my head.

kim blew a deep breath away and then stare at me "I will ask you 30 questions in 30 days, every question should revolve about our days together, since we met until this moment, so it's about the last seven years ! do you think that you can do it?" he pointed by his fingers to my face explaining the test .

I chuckled confidently "Yes! I'm sure of that! ask me anything ! but you said 30 days ! don't you think you should move from the hospital to my house, it will be much better and you can test me anytime." I suggested to him.but I was actually deadly wishing that he could come back to my house again, I wanted to have a chance to see him every day.

kim scratched the back of his neck shyly but he tried to hide it with his stern tone"Yes I thought of that too, but in one condition, we will go into separate rooms, if you made one more move close to me, I will consider you failed in the love test ! is that okay with you? we can stop here and now and everyone goes opposite ways!" he explained the consequences of failing. but it's okay for me, I'm sure that I can do it.

I stepped closer and pulled his hand gently with a slight smile "No, it's okay with me, deal, let's go now. " he nod and asked the doctors to prepare everything he needs for him to get out of the hospital as soon as possible.

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