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LGBT>Chasing>Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Noah black p.o.v:

And finally, Kim is totally recovered. And I placed his as around my neck, holding him from his waist in front of all the reporters that were waiting outside his room to capture a picture for us or to take any word from us, but he just ignored them and asked me to hide him from the others, he hated being famous; he hated the fame lights; he wanted to come back to his normal life, and to be honest I was the main reason to end his life but the fans were sharing the blame for me, rude words and tough reports and news throw him into block path and stressed mind with no hope, as sensitive guy like him couldn't take it all at once.

we sit inside the car, I was going to sit in the back seat next to Kim, but he asked me to keep a distance as much as I can, I was disappointed but at least he's with me so I accepted and sit in the front seat next to David.

We reached my house, my palace actually, the place where Kim hates most, he asked me several times to move to small house because this palace makes him feel like he was living in a jail with the huge gates and too many guards surrounding the palace inside and outside , everyone needs an appointment and permission to go inside, which he hated special after being famous , he prefered to be reachable for fans, he is so kind, less sweet praising or kind word could make him smile and fly from happiness.

Once we stepped inside.he blew a deep breath away as if he missed it, and it was weird. he stretched his arms in the air " I guess I need this palace now, I didn't think that I will feel that way someday ! to be isolated from the outside world and people !" Kim mumbled.

"I guess you need a break and to take a rest today, I will make sure that the chiefs make for your pizza and pasta " I glared at him, I wanted to hug him but I was afraid from his reaction .i wanted to tell him that I'm the broken heart person at the moment , but I prefer to keep it to myself till passing the test .

He smiled "No, need for rest, I will take a shower then we will start our test."

I dropped my jaw "today?!"

He nods and rubbed his chin "yes! today, we should eat first, I'm starving !" he moved his fingers in circles over his stomach.

I chuckled "Okay, take your shower and I will wait for you."

"Okay, but by the way, you could ask me for a small wish after every test you pass," he winked.

I widened my eyes and giggled like an idiot "Really ?"

He raised an eyebrow and mumbled, "SURE NOT! IDIOT!"

I gasped and draw a disappointed face "Okay."

Kim waved and walked to upstairs to take a shower, and maids and servants followed him, he knows every inch in this house, he chose all the decoration and the furniture, I was busy all the time , and he took care of everything, even the maids and the servants, he was the one who hired them .

After half an hour ... kim strode downstairs to the dining room wearing his robe and drying his wet hair with a towel ... he knows that what he is doing is kind of torture to me! I cleared my throat staring at him speechless.

He ignored me and pulled his chair and then glanced at me with ignorance while biting the first piece of the pizza "are you going to sit and eat or you are going to stare at me like a fool ?" he raised an eyebrow smirking.

I nod then I sit, but I didn't eat, I was watching him eating and remembering the old days if I was sure from loving him this much, I wouldn't hurt him ever .i realized that I love everything about him ! every single thing!

"First question, it will be a small one, because I'm tired and I want to sleep early," he said suddenly and continued eating.

I gulped "okay." I was confused, whispering in my mind, what if I failed from the first one, I'm sure that this is will never be easy.

"Okay, tell me about the first day we met ? "he left the pizza and placed his head to his hands staring at me.

I closed my eyes and I sighed.flash back with my memory "the first day was the second day of college , I do remember this until now because I used to skip my first day every year , it's like a habit to me ... this day, once I parked my car , I heard everyone yell, fight, fight .. so as a senior and the jock of the college, stormed to see what happens ... I found a cute guy standing at the cafeteria and a senior yelling at him.i walked closer, to ask what happens, but this cute guy, who was you, groaned at me and asked me to do not interfere . and this was kind of shock to me and for everyone, that's why the senior walked away immediately and left you between my hands, because usually, I beat anyone yell at em to death , but I didn't do anything , I stared at you in thunderstruck , and you pushed me away from your path cursing the college and me and the senior that walked away .and this was the first time we met ! in a middle of a fight !" I answered him but I was going to continue in more details, I just waited for him to ask for the rest, I feel that he started this test to know what he didn't actually know about my feelings, my reactions and behind scenes.

He gazed at me and furrowed his eyebrows then he shocks his head as if my answer didn't satisfy him "um, okay, what else ?"

I giggled " After you walked away, my friends walked towards me asking me what happened and the rest were trying to calm me down, but I was like a paralyzed person, I didn't know why I didn't hit your face or punch you! I was confused by my reaction! so, I asked them to collect for me all the details about you, as your name, your address, your friends, your department !which year! your activity ! and sure the faster answer I collected about you was your name and your department " I informed him.

He dropped his jaw " I didn't know that!"

"I know, is that mean I passed the first test ?" I winked at him.

"I guess so, but don't be optimistic, this is the easiest one " he smirked and waved to me and walked away.

"Hey, wait! where are you going ?" I bawled stopping him.

he twirls his body to me "to sleep! or you thought that I will stay with you for the 30 days ?! don't dream! I will just stay with you on the question only ! so you could say that we are living as roommate "he throws me with a disgusted look and hasten to his room slamming his door behind him.

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