Divorce Settlement Before Marriage

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Contemporary Romance>Divorce Settlement Before Marriage>Chapter 4 You're Just A Worthless Daughter

Chapter 4 You're Just A Worthless Daughter

But the police officer answered her in the same tone, "I'm sorry, Miss Blake. This is the rule. Mr. Joseph Blake cannot be visited and released on bail for the time being. We will notify you when he is available for a visit."

"What if I must meet him?" Jessica persisted.

"If you want to make trouble, you will be detained!"


Of course, Jessica couldn't allow herself to be detained. Her mother was still lying in the morgue, whose funeral had not been dealt with. How could she be detained here?

So she could only leave in anguish.

The funeral of her mother took place three days later.

In the empty mourning hall, no one came to offer condolences. Except for the two brothers of Mrs. Blake, the people of the Blake Family hadn't even appeared yet.

Joseph Blake had usually communicated with a lot of people in the business world, but now that he was in trouble, no one came. It was not surprising. It had been all about interest. They were total strangers without interest.

But it was the people from Blake's Family that made Jessica sad.

Jessica's grandmother never liked her or her mother, and Jessica was fine with it. But now her mother was gone, her grandmother didn't even come to say goodbye to her. Even her father's younger brother, who had always sucked up to her father, didn't show up. Jessica couldn't believe that they were so cruel and cold-hearted.

None of her family members on her father's side came, and neither did the Abbot Family. Maybe Baldie was still fooling around with Flora now!

In just a few days, Jessica had a clear view of humanity as a 22- year-old girl.

After the funeral was over, her mother's body was taken to the funeral parlor for cremation.

Her monther's bone ash was put into a small box. Jessica buried her mother in Greenhill Cemetery with the help of her two uncles.

"Jess, we can't help you much in the future. You know that we are ordinary and not well-connected..."

After coming out of Greenhill Cemetery, her eldest uncle spoke.

Jessica raised her eyes and looked at her two uncles, "I know. Thank you for your help with my mother's funeral."

"..." Her two uncles opened their mouths at the same time, but they couldn't say anything.

Mrs. Blake's parents were ordinary citizens, who didn't know anything about doing business at all, so they really can't help even if they wanted to.

After parting with her two uncles, Jessica returned home.

She must find out whether her father was really corrupt or framed? If he were framed, she would definitely not go easy on the bad guys!

But when she got home, what happened in her house made Jessica furious.

Queenie Blake was packing Jessica's belongings, along with her uncles, and throwing them out.

"What are you doing?!" Roaring and rushing up, Jessica's eyes could almost kill.

"You came back just right. This house belongs to my son Joseph. I've long disliked your bitch mother, and she didn't even leave a son to your father. Now that your mother is dead, I will take over here. You're just a worthless daughter and you are not qualified to live here!"

Queenie held up a wrinkled face and spoke harshly. She didn't consider Jessica as her granddaughter.

"As you said, this is my father's house. My father is not dead yet. I am his biological daughter. What qualifications do you have to drive me away?" Jessica gritted her teeth and asked.

If she could, she really wanted to slap her right now!

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