Divorce Settlement Before Marriage

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Contemporary Romance>Divorce Settlement Before Marriage>Chapter 7 Do You Want Me to Invite You?

Chapter 7 Do You Want Me to Invite You?

To Jessica's surprise, as she walked to the car, the back door opened as if someone was inviting her.

Biting her lip slightly, Jessica got into the car.

All her clothes were soaked, and she soon left a large pool of water stains on the car as soon as she got in, which made her very embarrassed.

"Dry yourself." He heard a clear voice, and then a large towel was thrown onto Jessica's head, covering her abruptly.

Such impolite behavior made Jessica want to curse him, but she had no choice but to suppress her anger and dried her hair with the towel since she had soiled his car.

The towel blocked her whole head, so Jessica only heard the sound of the car door closing, and soon Nestor said, "Mr. Maddox, are we leaving now?"

"Go back."

Then with the sound of the engine, the car moved.

Jessica dried her hair calmly. She took the towel off and wrapped herself up when her hair was dried. She was soaking wet and felt a little cold.

When everything was settled, she looked up at the man next to her.

The lines of his face were smooth and sturdy. The bridge of his nose was high. He wore his hair slicked back, and his hair was meticulously combed. His thin lips were tightly pressed, and his eyes were half-closed as if he was thinking about something.

He was a handsome and manly man, much better-looking than Baldie the scumbag, but unfortunately, he had a bad temper.

Jessica pursed her lips and thought to herself.

"Have you seen enough?" He suddenly opened his eyes and said mockingly.

Jessica was startled and awkwardly retracted her gaze, "Thank you, Sir, for letting me get in the car."

Although she hadn't planned to get in the car, it was a nice gesture after all.

"Yeah." He just faintly replied and then closed his eyes as if he didn't want to say another word to her.

Jessica was frustrated. Such an arrogant man!

However, she seemed to have forgotten that she was now in the car of someone else, and she hadn't been asked where she was going. She did not know where to go herself, which seemed to be unreasonable.

The rain outside was getting heavier, and Jessica looked at the rain, feeling very sad.

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped in the courtyard of a private villa.

"Mr. Maddox, here it is," Nestor said.

The man snorted and quickly got out of the car with an umbrella.

Jessica was dumbfounded.

What was the situation now, and where was this place?

"Miss Blake, please get out of the car!" Nestor came to her considerately, opened the car door, gave her an umbrella, then ran to the back to help her take out the suitcase.

Jessica hesitated a while and got out of the car with the umbrella. Nestor took out her suitcase in the rain, ran to the villa's gate to put it away, then ran back to the car and quickly drove away.

Going to the villa's door holding the umbrella, Jessica found that the door was open, and the man seemed to have entered the house.

She stood outside the door. Watching the rain getting heavier, she hesitated.

"Do you want me to invite you in?"

He had changed into casual home clothes and came out to the door. He was unhappy when he saw her standing outside.

"Sir, thank you for giving me a ride, but I don't know you. Wouldn't it be appropriate for me to go in?" Jessica said calmly.

Jessica was vigilant enough not to enter the house of a strange man.

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